Jul 03, 2007 04:07
Dear the smoking ban,
Fuck the fuck off. Had I been given the opportunity, I would never have voted for you, but given that NO ONE had the opportunity, I refuse to accept your permanance. You're just an excuse to stop people having fun. You're letting those annoying 'you smoke i choke' people win! And what will they derive pleasure from if there are no smokers to hector? Answer me this. It'll be the poor. Or black people. Or people with one leg. Mark my words.
Suck my dick,
Seriously, it's right rubbish.
Plus I'm almost certainly going to get caught out mindlessly doing what I've always done (and been allowed to do) - smoking in a pub/train station/bus shelter (seriously?? Have the government ever gotten down with the plebs and looked at a bus shelter? Bus shelters aren't enclosed! They are a sheet of plastic! You're telling me that if I take one step too close to the plastic, I will be breaking the law? Or are you telling me that if I smoke too close to the plastic other people are more likely to die?) - and I do think that, for the time being, force-of-habit should be an excuse.
But then I am mistaking despicable, morally corrupt smokers for actual people with actual rights. The scumbags.
On the plus, I can feel like a bad ass pink lady type with cigarette and tattoos. Which is all well and good until you walk down a high street on a weekend and get battered because all the bad asses are loitering on the streets having downed their drinks really fast in order to have a fag.