(no subject)

May 31, 2007 00:41

So, Big brother then. I despair.

11 women, running the gamut of stereotypes from 'Someone who wants to be someone else who is widely held to be a paragon of vacuousness' to 'Someone who 'doesn't have to work' because their aspirations end at marrying a footballer'. (How come when I 'don't have to work' it is held up as a sign that society is lazy and apathetic? But when a skinny girl who used to lap dance 'doesn't have to work' she's applauded for realising that some men are stupid enough to squeeze cash from?) I'm ignoring the frankly odd ecstacy casualty (OH! if we can get a woman who essentially is last years winner (coupled with celebrity winner Bez) then we're sure to be on a winner. Forgetting the fact that, when it comes to female contestants, the public does not want 'characters'. They want a lack of smarts and a willingness to expose oneself. A back-story involving a stolen sex tape is also a plus)and the token oldies for that exact reason - they are tokenistic. BB can't be seen to be excluding any stratas of society from it's social experiment, so we'll have ten girls whose ages range from 18-24 and a couple of oldies, safe in the knowledge that the latter will quickly be evicted and forgotten and we can go on encouraging the hot young things to expose their breasts and maybe get a bit sapphic.

Add to this indignity the fact that Jugs called me a 'spiteful little madam' for suggesting that maybe the inmates weren't that clever, as she clapped and giggled with glee at all the wonderful, exemplary idiots. This woman has a degree and six jobs, all of which involve quite a high level of authority.

[EDIT: as i write, i just shouted 'YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE PATRIACHY BY WATCHING THIS FILTH!' at my mother. I rule]

It's easier for Jugs. These aren't her peers. It's unlikely she was watching this and despairing for a generation of young girls who are already Fucked beyond repair by their Bratz and Pussycat dolls who are being handed 8 new idols (make that 7 - the fat one will be reviled in the media for that exact reason, people will turn up to her eviction with 'get the fat pig out' placards) to imitate.

[EDIT: she just retaliated with the words 'smoke yourself to death' Round two, Jugs]

I take solace in thinking of the people closest to me, and how they don't fit into any kind of niche or stereotype. I never see people like Biggie on TV, but it doesn't in any sense mean that he's in some way wrong, although I rarely apply this same logic to myself. Indeed, this televisual event forced me - forced me to drink some beer and watch a John Waters film to remind myself that not everyone on this godforsaken rock can fit into a nice size eight template.

Did I mention that Chris Moyles - CHRIS FUCKING MOYLES - is this years 'big mouth' presenter? Just in case the rampant laddism-let's-see-the-boobies dressed up as empowerment isn't hammered home enough?
Chris fucking moyles. Sometimes I wonder why the four bear-breasted Nuts-reading horsemen are dragging their heels so.

[EDIT: In reference to the token chubby housemate, Jugs just put the final nail into the coffin of my will to live with the words 'They don't do themselves any favours these...fat people')
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