Mar 14, 2004 11:33
It's Sunday so I have to recap for the weekend. Friday night Chelsea and I chilled at home, drank some rum and coke, called everybody in our phone book, and read our old journals from 10th and 11th grade.
HighLights from Tha Night
*Blush Brush*
*Iday Broders?*
*Diante telling Chels he "loves" her*
*Diante calling me and telling me how much he loves Gary and having me call Gary to see if he loved him or not*
*Chelsea passing out* (No I'm just laying here with my eyes closed for a minute! Wake me up in 30 minutes!)
*When I was on the phone with liar Gary and Chels kept yelling out stuff in the background*
*Me sitting in the corner and Chels being like "Why are you sitting in the corner?!? :( "*
*While Chels was on the phone I kept putting her drink in her face and making her drink* I still don't know why she passed out!!!?
We layed around all morning and started calling people when we woke up at 9:30. We couldn't understand why people weren't answering?! They probably didn't hear their phones ring lol. We felt like we were on Christmas break again and You KNOW what that means!! We needed to be high and drunk but we couldn't and that was becoming a problem! Where theres a problem there is a solution! We got ready, Chelsea blowdried her hair, curled and then straightened it because she didn't like how it was looking. Then Melissa came over with Josh and then thats when the election started : VOTE POWELL 2004 lmao!!!
HightLights from The Night
*I had to put on MC Hammer-You can't touch this and rump shaker for Melissa! She started dancing!*
*I downloaded Melissa's fave song PU**Y POPPING and it wasn't the whole song and Mels said "What a rip off!"*
*When Melissa walked in shes like "Its so weird seeing you here" and Josh said "Its her house, she lives here! What do you expect!?"*
*When we started playing Presidents and Assholes and Chels was VP and Mels was the President and Chels proposed a problem, She asked Mels that I couldn't dance or sing or I'd have to drink* I think everybodys just jealous becuz I'm the lead singer of my band!!!
*Joshs friend Paul called him (FINE) and Chels took the phone and kept asking him when they were gonna date*
*Bill was coming upstairs and I was spraying body spray and I sprayed A LOT and Josh was about to say something to me but he started choking!!! and he covered his mouth becuz he kept getting body spray in his mouth!!*
*I tried to turn on the fan and then Chels did it instead because I didn't know how! And then the light started shaking and it was about to fall!!*
*Mels took 2 hits and was coughing for 15 minutes!!*
*Lance/Adam never called us back and they must not have heard their cell phones ringing because neither one answered their phone when we called!*
*Giving Momma something and running from room to room and Chels opened up Mom's bedroom door and yelled "THATS MY SICKY!" and shut the door, then we raaaann back to Chels's room lmao*
* Josh: "Is that How you twerk it Krystal?"
Krystal: "Yup, thats how I gets down!"*
*Telling Paul Chelsea was Picasso, and Donatello Versace cuz shes a work of art lol*
*Quizzing Paul*
*My drunken away message*
*telling Elyse online that I would be mad at her if she didnt call me... but she couldnt understand me
* Me asking Monica if she was drunk because Elyse said so then her saying "well she doesnt know what shes talking about"
*Goin to the bathroom with Melissa as she took her long as pee and then she said shes just gonna stop and finish it later lmao*
*Melissa kept telling me to shut up at the table and she kept telling me to stop saying "Twerk it" LOL*
*Mels keeping her left thumb on the table at all times during the game cuz Paul was President and Mels was the AssHole!*
*Me crying cuz I wanted a #1 from McDonalds SO BAD!! and no one would go :( *
*Chels trying to get me up to go smoke outside and I was like "OK hold on, lemme sleep for 10 minutes and I'll call you later." *
*Finally getting up to go smoke and taking one hit and sayin "Ok, I'm gonna go lay down for a minute, I'll be right back."*
*Chelsea and Melissa getting along SO CUTE! Best Friends Forever!!!*
* me going all in when we were playing TEXAS and I had the shittiest hand
*Suck a Fat one.. im going to start saying that for sure
Last nite was sooooooooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!
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iD sWiM 2 dA bOToM n DriNk MaH wAy uP
BUt dA oCeAn aiNt LiqUr N i AiNt No DuK
sO pOuR mE a ShOt n LeTz GeT FuKEd uPuP