Apr 07, 2005 00:28
sooo. hows it goin.
on monday i went to icc to meet with my advisor and to set up my schedule. i am really not looking forward to going to icc, especially the living at home with the parents. god, that is going to suck. but when you are as confused as me about what you want to do, icc is probably where i should be. since i am saving my parents money by going to icc they are buying me a car. so thats sweet. but i rather be carless and not have to live at home then be at home with a car. its so nice being in another city, not having to deal with them and their shit. i hope i don't kill myself. or them. anyhoo, so i have my schedule.
i am taking some damn easy classes compared to the ones i am taking now. my classes are:
Earth Sciences- Intro to weather and climate
Humanities- Renaissance
Literature- Greek Mythology
Sociology- Intro to sociology
English- Composition II
holy shit are these classes going to be easy. earth science is nothing compared to the chemistry class i endured first semester, i fucking love greek mythology and know everything, i fucking love the renaissance period and know everything, and sociology, well i don't care about that class. and my composition II class will be easy b/c i never have had trouble writing papers, and i am good at writing papers. i didn't take college level english classes in high school for no reason. bitches.
my only problem is my family kind of raised us to believe that going to a junior college is a step down from regular university. and my siblings didn't help. my sister got all A's her entire four years at Eastern, and my brother graduated from U of I in engineering. U of I is number one or two in the country for engineering, so my brother is the pride of the family. then there's me, who hated ISU and is now going to ICC with absolutely no idea what she wants to do. sooo i'm like the loser of the three kids. and it sucks. i do not believe that people who go to 4-year schools are better then people who go to junior colleges, but i cant help feeling a little like i am backtracking instead of progressing with my college education. oh well. i do have to say that i am excited that all my classes at icc are in one building, as opposed to here, where i have to haul my ass all around campus.
i will miss ISU, i do like it here. The campus is beautiful and i really like some people i have met here. But its not for me in the long run. if icc is where i need to be right now, then thats something my mom will have to deal with.
i have a shitload of hw to do, i don't know why i felt compelled to waste time and write this at the moment, but oh well. bye lovelies.