You scored as XIII: Death. Death is probably the most well known Tarot card - and also the most misunderstood. Most Tarot novices would consider Death to be a bad card, especially given its connection with the number thirteen. In fact this card rarely indicates literal death.Without "death" there can be no change, only eventual stagnation. The "death" of the child allows for the "birth" of the adult. This change is not always easy. The appearance of Death in a Tarot reading can indicate pain and short term loss, however it also represents hope for a new future.
XIII: Death
X - Wheel of Fortune
XIX: The Sun
IV - The Emperor
I - Magician
0 - The Fool
XVI: The Tower
II - The High Priestess
XI: Justice
III - The Empress
VIII - Strength
XV: The Devil
VI: The Lovers
Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?created with
QuizFarm.com the red eye from LAX or MCO is not fun.
i lived in the woods for three days and carried around 50 pounds of crap on my back. i was VERY dirty. but i made cheesecake. pooping in the woods has a five star system. more on that later.
i had a nice vacation for four days. saw johnny depp in the studios like 20 feet away. went to price is right, episode airing october 19. did disneyland.
orientation for three days. picked my classes: multivariable calculus, intro to psychobio, and russian 1. I can't wait.
my cats are very happy to see me. i miss LA.