once again...just wastin time

Mar 21, 2006 21:31

200. My middle name is: Marie

199. I was born on: June 4th, 1990

198. I am a: girl

197. My cell phone company: alltell

196. My eye color is: brown

195. My shoe size is: 8 or 9

194. My ring size is: i think a 7 or 8

193. My height is: 5'5''

192. I am allergic to: penicillin (spelling?)

191. I was born in: saginaw

190. I live in: Saginaw unfortunately

189. The last book I read: To Kill a Mockingbird

188. My bed is: one of my favorite things i must say

187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: they can be all you want one day...and the thing you hate the most the next

186. I am glad I'm my sex because: i like being a girl...most of the time like goin shoppin and flirting and being crazy, other times it really really SUCKS...girls know what im talkin about

179. My favorite Holiday is: Christmas

178. The perfect kiss is: when its to a song, or in the rain

177. The last three cd's I bought are: disturbed- 10,000 fists..korn- see you on the other side..submersed- in due time

176. Last song that made me cry was: tonight i wanna cry by keith urban

172. My most treasured possession(s) is(are): my friends, my music, and my cell

170. What did you do last night: slept, worked out, talked online/phone, watched tv (boring i know)

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): tan...and i cant wait to get that way!

:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::

143. Santa? not since i was like 4

142. Love at first sight? yes

141. Luck? eh kinda

140. Fate? yes

139: God? yes

138. Aliens? undecided

137. Heaven? undecided

136. Hell? undecided

135. Ghosts? yes

135. Soulmates? yes

:::::Which is Better?:::::

129. Hugs or Kisses? hugs, then kisses

128. Drunk or High: drunk

127. Phone or Online: Phone

126. Red heads or Black hair: black

125. Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes

124. Hot or cold: hot

123. Summer or winter: SUMMER

122. Coffee or tea: neither

121. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

120. Night or Day: night

119. Oranges or Apples: oranges

118. Curly or Straight hair: depends on the day

:::::Here's What I Think About:::::

116. Abortion: should only be allowed under extreme circumstances

115. Backstabbers: fuck em

114. Parents: yeah they pretty much suck a lot

110. School: boring, gay, and boring

::::Last time I:::

103. Kissed someone: a couple months ago

102. Last time I hugged someone: today

101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: um sunday

99. Grew: i mighta grown like an inch last year lol


90. Who's the ditziest person I know: me lol

89. Who makes you laugh the most: jessica, sky, and dan

88. Sport: hockey and soccer

87. One thing I'm mad about right now is: that im bored and i kinda wanna leave here

83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: final destination 3 i think

82. The thing I don't understand is: why nothing really goes right for me when i want it to

80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: idk

79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: how amazing they can make you feel...and how you know you like him when your heart beats faster when you make eye contact

76. This summer I am: going to cali!! and i plan on being outside a lot

75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my friends, my baby sister, and thats about it

74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: definitly the summer, and turning 16

73. Tomorrow: school n i dont know

72. Today: school, hours of hw, out to eat with mom, and workout

71. Next Summer: hopefully a lot

70. Next Week: um not sure

67. People call me: B, Brena, Bri, and like 5 million others

62. The person who knows the most about me is: prolly jessica danielle or kayla

61. The person that can read me the best is: jessica

60. The most difficult thing to do is: stay happy

59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: never, no license yet

58. Something I hate that ppl do: cause drama and be dumb as hell

57. Thing you love the most: my friends, my music, my phone

53. The one person who can't hide things from me: i dont know, im sure everyone can hide something

51. Right now I am talking to: matt and scott

47. I have these pets: well i dont know if brothers count but...

45. The worst sound in the world: chewing, in my ear

44. The person that makes me cry the most is: myself i dont know

43. My boy/girlfriend: is no one

35. Florida or hawaii: Hawaii

33. My favorite piece of clothing is: cute t-shirts

32. My favorite sport is: soccer n hockey

30. Last time I cried: prolly like a week ago

28. The school I go to is: heritage

27. Last person I got mad at: kayla

26. My worst drinking experience was: a day before exams lol

22. The all-time best movie is: 2 fast 2 furious

21. The all-time best thing in the world is: having an amazing time with my friends

19. The most annoying thing ever is: people who act retarded to try n be kool


18. The most annoying person you know is: randoms from school i guess, or my brother

16. The movies I have cried at are: the notebook, titanic

15. Closest friends Name: jessica jo, danielle, kayla, matt, sky, jessica, jessica

14. TV show you watching: real world in a sec

13. Favorite web site: i dunno

12. I want to be: rich, in love, and happy

11. The worst pain I was ever in was: when i sprained my ankle or when i hurt my neck in the car accident

10. My favorite phrase: fuuuck yeah, daang, thats nice, well arent you kool, ive got 500 of em

9. My room has: no floor at the moment

8. My favorite celebrity is: Paul Walker and Chester Bennington

5. My weakness is: i have a lot of em

4. What turns me on is: a nice smile, and im a sucker for a sweet talker

3. Who broke your heart: few stupid guys

2. I filled out 200 questions because: apparently i really am that bored.

1. do you have any regrets?: doesn't everyone?
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