Application for aliunde_rpg

May 15, 2011 20:27

Player Information
Name: Jen
Personal LJ: jencatd
E-mail: jencatd[@]
AIM/MSN: MSN: jencatd[@]
                AIM: toomuchsheep
Time zone: GMT+12 (NZST)
Other Characters None

Character Information
Name: New Zealand //William Green
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Timeline Summary: Modern times. (Once he finds out he’ll miss this year’s Rugby World Cup he’ll be gutted. He’s the nation hosting it!)
Personality: William is a confident, friendly and very easy-going person. He has a good sense of humour and likes to have a laugh with the people he cares about even if some of the joking is at his own expense sometimes. If he considers you his friend you’ve got his loyalty (even more so if he considers you close enough to be family) unless you do something that’s completely unforgiveable, and he’ll be there for you if you need help. He’s very willing to help out anyone, but rarely asks for help even if he needs it as he sees doing so as a sign of weakness. It isn’t, of course, but good luck trying to tell him that.

He has a temper that he keeps under control most of the time, and it takes a fair bit of provocation for him to lose it. He also has a stubborn streak which doesn’t help when he does lose his temper. He can be agreeable too but only to a point as he doesn’t want anyone to think he’s a pushover. He tries to avoid arguments if he can help it, but if it’s about something that’s important to him he’ll argue the point for as long as it takes. William can be quite competitive too, and gives it his all at work and when he’s playing sport.

  • Sport of any kind. He especially loves rugby.
  • Animals. He loves animals, and would have more pets, but he worries that other pets might attack and kill his pet kiwi. Kiwis are endangered so it’s a valid concern.
  • Children. He loves being around kids whether it’s the neighbours’ kids, or the younger nations at meetings and special occasions.
  • Fishing. He finds fishing really relaxing.
  • Spending time with Australia.
  • Family in general. He loves his family and would do anything for them.
  • The beach. Being an island nation surrounded by sea, the beach is one of his favourite places to go and have fun.
  • Reading
  • Music
  • Tourists. They keep the economy going.
  • Beer!

  • People protesting on his birthday. He understands why they protest, but it doesn’t mean he has to like it.
  • Being accused of shagging sheep (in jest or otherwise).
  • Excessive sheep jokes (they get old after a while...).
  • Australia stealing and claiming his stuff as his own (except for Russell Crowe. He can keep him. XD). He should take it as a compliment really, but...
  • Being mistaken for Australia though this baffles him because they look nothing alike (NZers and Australians are often mistaken for each other IRL, and they don’t like it).
  • People who don't pull their own weight.
  • Over-fishing or hunting animals to extinction.

    Powers/Special Abilities
  • Aging. Like all nations, William ages in spurts. Although he’s been around for centuries he was stuck at the age of a toddler until the turn of the 19th Century. He aged rapidly as his country grew under the influence of the British Empire, and finally hit the age of 19 in 1947 when his country gained independence from the British Empire. He hasn’t aged a day since then.
  • Super Endurance. William can sustain more physical damage than the average human being, and can survive some things that would kill an ordinary human.
  • Hair Curls. William has two strange spiral hair curls on either side of his head that look a little like ram’s horns that either represent the two main islands that make up his country, or the fact that humans in his country are out-numbered 8 to 1 by sheep.

    New Zealand (From the Hetalia Wiki).
    Timeline of New Zealand History (from Wikipedia).

    Settled by the ancestors of the people eventually known as the Maori around 1280AD, New Zealand spent the next few centuries completely isolated from the rest of the world. Even being discovered but not colonised in 1642 by the Netherlands and subsequent visits by England and France in the 1700s didn’t end that isolation until the turn of the 19th Century when European traders came to trade with the Maori. Missionaries soon followed to teach them English and introduce their religion. The United Tribes of Aotearoa signed a Declaration of Independence in 1835, and New Zealand was recognised by Britain as an independent sovereign nation in 1836. Britain officially made New Zealand part of the British Empire in 1840. Not all of New Zealand’s people accepted Britain’s authority at first, and there were wars between the Maori who didn’t accept British rule and the British Army. The majority of that conflict ended in the 1860s, but the last person who refused to accept the Government’s authority was arrested in 1916.

    New Zealand took part in several wars overseas from the late 19th Century onwards: The 2nd Boer War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and more, and was allied with Australia and the US after signing the ANZUS treaty in 1951. The NZ-US side of the Treaty broke down in the 1980s when NZ was working towards being nuclear-free, and turned NZ into a nuclear-free zone in 1987. New Zealand and the United States signed the Wellington Declaration last year which put the past 25 years behind both nations so they could move forward and work together more closely. A boat protesting against nuclear testing by the French in the South Pacific was bombed by French spies in 1985 causing one death, and the spies the authorities caught were arrested and tried under NZ law. The French eventually quit nuclear testing in the South Pacific, and it also became a nuclear-free zone in the 1990s.

    First Person: [VOICE POST] “Hey, bro! I guess you’re away from your phone or it’s switched off or something. I have some good news, but unfortunately it’s not how to get home. I got a job today, and start work tomorrow! Now you’ve just got to find one, eh! I’ll catch up with ya later. Have a good day bro!”

    Third Person: William packed his reading glasses into the pocket of his suit, and walked out of the Beehive with a sigh. Why did Harawira have to force a by-election when he could just go independent, hold on to his electorate seat, wait until his new party was officially registered, and contest the seat for his new party at the elections at the end of the year? It seemed like a lot of expense for a potential waste of time. There’s no guarantee the electorate would vote him back in anyway. He could’ve told them all of that, but sometimes his people had to make their own mistakes. He could also feel a headache coming on, and he hoped it was just because he was thinking about all this by-election crap. Fortunately he’d completed all his paperwork for the week and didn’t have to take any of it home as weekend reading.

    “I wonder what Oz is up to this weekend,” William pulled out his cellphone to text his brother. “I went over to his place for the ANZAC Test last week, so maybe he’d like to come over and just hang out. I don’t think there’s anything major on this weekend.”

    It seemed like every time he saw Oz lately it was because of something. League matches, the Royal Wedding, and possibly next weekend’s Telethon... It would be nice just to hang out and relax with their pets for a change instead of having to rush around and do lots of travelling.

    “Can’t get reception on this thing for some reason!” William muttered. He hadn’t noticed just how dark his surroundings have gotten until now, and the fact that the area was empty aside from him. “Hey, where did everyone go? Is this an eclipse or something? OI!”


    William opened his eyes, and finally there was light again! What was above him looked like a ceiling though rather than sky like he was expecting. Where was he?! He went to sit up, and immediately had to lie down again. Oh, there was that headache. Great.
  • application, ooc

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