new :)

May 24, 2004 22:41


The Sweet Stuff

Name: Diana
Any fun nick-names?: Daantje
Age/birthdate: 16// 15 october 1987
Race: dutch :P
Pee sitting down or Standing up: sitting down
Siblings?: one sister
-Do you get along with them: . sometimes
Any pets?: they're all dead

Favorite body part (why): i have this thing with hair. if a boy has (half) long hair.. you can just...go through it with your hands while your kissing, and so.. <3 it
Favorite quote (why): you make me sick, because i adooore you so - muse. just.. beautiful :)

The Spicy Stuff

Are you a virgin?:nahh
-If you aren't when'd you lose it: half year ago?
Have you ever been caught doing something sexual?: hehe, yes :)
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:nope
If you were in a porno, what would your name be and why?:hmm good one, let me get back to you with that
Fetishes: boys with half long hair
Turn-ons: uh hair? foreign accents (french or so) mysterious guys
Turn-offs: bad breath. YIKES
Have you ever streaked?: no
Mooned: no
Flashed:no (gawd im decent :P)
What kind of underwear do you usually wear?:everything is black and red :)
Do something for money (Sexual wise): no
Favorite alocholic beverage: tequila
What makes you so damn spicy? for you to decide

Random Questions

What do you think about:
Abortion: you've gotta decide yourself
Sex before marriage: yeah, what if he's REAALLY REAAAAAALLY bad in bed? and you found out too late? that's a yes!!
Drugs:not for me, but i don't have problems with it (i live in holland, coffeeshops round every corner :P)
Alcohol:yes please (not in an.. alcoholic kinda way)
Religion:once again, decide for yourself, just don't let it control your life
Gay Marriages:yes. it makes them happy, so why should i stop them?
Feminism:yes. things have gotta be balanced.
Adult entertainment industry:whatever

How'd you find out about us?:crashxburn told me about it :)
Why did you apply here?:to see if i'm sweet and spicy
I'm suger and spice...: better than you

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