46. And I knew.. that you meant it..

May 18, 2004 23:30

Dude, I love Ms Carter!!

We had essays due this morning. Since senior projects were due today, Ms Carter was down in the Villa before school so me and Marina went down there to turn our essays in. And Ms Carter was in like a giddyish mood and like laughing or whatever. I thought it was funny, but everyone else was like "What's wrong with Ms Carter? Why is she so weird?" It was bugging me. And Marina was saying something to me and I'm like "Why do you hate her?" She said that she hates her because she gives us so much homework. Wtf. Just because she gives a lot of homework, doesnt make her a bad person. She is sooo cool if you give her a chance.

Um we had another weird schedule today....
Long boring awards asembly.
Break. Marina said that Ms Carter told us she was getting fired. I was like "No she didnt. When did she say that?" and she said something about class yesterday and I was like "Thats not what she was saying." grrr.
1st period... That was spanish. We had a quiz and Ms Becker got mad at me for chewing gum.
Then we had to go to the Villa to see senior projects. Um I had some chicken, honey and frosting.
And then we got to have lunch. I went with Honor to get her stuff from Ms Busser's room and we took blank demerits. It really sucked cause Tania wasn't there today and so I was lonely.
Um religion was religion. Nothing special there.
Geometry was stupid again. I stole an answer sheet, but it was the wrong one and so I had to sneak it back into the pile.
And then... No and then!!! lol..

Um after school I went to work in Ms Carter's room. Aika was in there too and she asked me what I thought death looked like and I was like "Umm... I think of death = dying." She asked Ms Carter later and she said angels. Yea I really got almost nothing done in her room today. She gave me and Aika honey sticks. Yummy. I was listening to her talk to 2 of the seniors and they were talking about senior projects and stuff and this one girl who only did like half of it and stuff. And one was grading our tests and she had one that was 100% on the multiple choice (I found out later it was MINE!! There's still essay questions to grade, but I got a perfect score on the multiple choice. how cool is that??) And we were laughing about people's answers. Someone said "smelt" was pig's food. Ms Carter asked me what it was and I quoted it like word for word from the book. And I still remember when the French Revolution was..1789-1799.
After Aika left, Ms Carter was saying that Aika is really random and they talked about her for a minute. And Stephaine, one of the seniors said she doesn't like most of the sophmore class and I was like me too.
I remember Ms Carter saying something about how she supposedly is teaching senior english next year, but the juniors are trying to get a petion for her not to. And I mentioned how Marina said that she (Ms Carter) said she was getting fired and that story and she was all like whaat?
Yea and after the seniors left, I was talking to her and she gave me another honey stick thing and said that like she didnt wanna give it to me when Aika was there cause like giving 2 to me and 1 to her would be like yea. That made me happy.
And so I asked her why she wanted to be a teacher and she said that when she was younger, she'd copy problems from her math book and try to teach it to her sister. And also she said that she learns stuff from teaching.
Oh yea I was talking about my gum and she said that like its not allowed at school and to find something else or hide it. That was great.
And I told her about yesterday how Christine, Crystal, and Rebecca went to the "bathroom." And she said that I should've said something to Mrs Hoy.
And then I told Ms Carter about the teacher's edition coppies. Yea she had no idea.
And she thinks Tania isn't very good and I was like yea, I kept telling her yesterday that she's a trouble maker. I even separated from her during the state meeting and Ms Carter said she noticed that and also that we were doing that massage thing and I was like yea and Tania made me jump.
Oh and I told her about Hannah, my neighbor who does drugs and stuff with guys and shes inly in 8th grade.
I finally had to leave cause my parents were in the parking lot calling my cell phone. I told them to be there at 5 and it was like 5.30. oops =)

Basically, I'm enjoying talking to her and just trying to put that little extra to be like someone she trusts. I think I could probly get away with gum in her class, but I'm thinking of not chewing gum in her class because she said not to and like if I keep doing it its like saying "I dont care" or "I think that I'm special."
Aaaah I'm so excited that I got 100% on the multiple choice. My dad thinks that she'll grade me easier cause I did well and cause I'm getting along with her. I hope so. It would be so cool to get a perfect score on that. Omg Marina will hate me. I think it'd be awesome to have the highest score in the class on that. I'm excited for them. I think she might pass them back on Thursday... I hope so. dude, I'm so excited about it!!

I'm guessing that if Ms Carter is leaving, its not because of the school asking her to leave. Cause if the school wanted her to leave, they wouldn't be planning to have her teach senior english next year and the juniors wouldn't be trying to petition against it. right?
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