40. Dip it low...

May 03, 2004 00:21

Aaaah omg this weekend was so totaly awesome!!
So yesterday, we hung out at my house while my parents set up for my brother's party. We went to Kalen's house to get stuff left there.
Um then we came back and the little kid party was full of little kids. I actually spent most of the time in my room with Kalen and other people came in there. Hannah (my next door neighbor who I haven't talked to in forever) came over and we started talking. omg she's in 8th grade and like a gazzilion times worse than me and Kalen. She has tried all these drugs and stuff.
I was going through my jeans and I tried on a pair of my size 3s.... they fit!!!! I was so excited and put on a thong cause they have no back pockets and I wore them.

Night out
But so we decided that we'd meet up with her at Paseo. I wore my size 3s, a bikini top and my black sweater. Um I got a lot of stuff at Sephora. That Desert lipgloss, 2 eyeshadows, mascara and an eyeliner. I even forgot to unwrap the eyeliner. I was looking and I got about $70 worth of stuff yesterday from Sephora. Yea.
So we walked down to the OT and we saw Sebastian and I said hi and he said hi, but was like ugh. He was an asshole online later.
We went into Orange Story. I didn't like anything there that I could get. There was this one cute hat, but I didn't know how to get it outta the store. Then we went back to Paseo. We were walking and I saw this girl Liz from school. I said hi to her and she said hi and looked me up and down and gave me a dirty look. It was cause of my sexy outfit. She's jealous that she could never wear what I wear. lol.
Ok but so we we're walking and I have this obsession with skaters. I see a skater and especially if he's cut I'll be like "Skater!!" loud enough for him to hear. Well there was this skater dude and he was cute and I was like "skater!" and she started walking with us and I was talking to him and I tried to do an ollie and yea. He was like "You're in high school huh?" I said yea. He said he was going to a friend's house but he'd see me around. Yea he must've been 20something.
We went to Gossip I think and Hannah got a necklace and I was gonna too, but I had it for like 5 minutes and one of the people looked at me and I was uncomfortable and left it there. Then we ran through the water there and I was soaking wet!! Yea. It was fun but then Kalen was mad cause I wanted to go home with Hannah instead of staying till 10 30.
We went home and Hannah was gonna come over and go in the jacuzzi with us and spend the night, but her mom wouldn't let her. She didn't work it the right way though. She went straight for the spend the night, mom said no and she got mad. I wanted to say something, but I didn't want to get in the middle of them and make her mom mad.

Today we went to Venice. Me and Kalen got playboy bunny henna tattoos. They're like right by the hip bone. We were laying on on the grass waiting for them to dry and I kept hearing skateboards and I wanted to turn and watch, but I couldn't.
We wanted to get our belly buttons pierced and we were looking at how much they would cost but then my dad said not to get it and yea. We didn't. He said it would distract me from school. Egh.
We went down to the water and burnt our feet on the sand. Then went back and watched the skaters. This one guy was like "Hey ladies" and then when we left he said "Bye ladies." lol. He wanted us. There were no cute skaters there though. There was this one kid who was like 10 and I was like "Whoa hes like so much better than me!"
Then we left and went to Santa Monica Third Street Promenade. Kalen stole me a keypad for my phone. We went into Sephora. I studied the cameras and they can see everything and plus there was a gazzillion people there so I didn't get anything.

Hawt boy
We went into Ambercrombie to look for hot guys and there was a guy who has a shirt that said "Lunch time special" I think. Then we were walking out I think and I saw this guy from behind. From the back he looked like the typical guy I like. I stopped and I was staring and Kalen was like "What?" and I was like staring and she was like "Ooooh" and then he turned so I could see his face and I was like "Oooooommmmmgggg!!!!" He was sooooooooooo HAWT!!! So we hung around more and looked at "clothes." Then Kalen went to try on a skirt and she was like go walk around and be seen. And so I went to the mirror and put on lip gloss. The guy walked past and I was staring at him in the mirror. He stopped behind me messing with clothes and I was staring and he turned and saw me staring and I smiled and I walked away. He didn't smile thought so I thought he was annoyed. Then Kalen was done and I went outside to throw away my cup while she told him he was gorgeous. Then I came back in and she was like this is my friend. He asked what my name is and I told him then he told me he was Harrison. I stood there staring at his eyes and I was like "You have pretty eyes" and then Kalen was like "She's in love with you" Yea and then we had to leave to go meet up with my dad.
Harrison told Kalen to come back and he works on Sundays. And he just moved here. And he's really hawt. Kalen lied about her age though and I was very mad at her and I still am.

Then we went home. Nothing much since.

I wanna sneak out sometime and go down to Victory park. Its about 3.5 miles there and back. I could walk if I had someone to walk with. Or I could even skate down and walk back, but I just don't wanna go alone.

A few random things...
• I told Kalen that I wanna get married
• I'm mad at TJ cause I missed The Perfect Score. lol
• I think I'm gonna become straight edge.
• I feel like doing more than making out, but being me, I couldnt with just anyone.
• I'm making a list of things I want to do in my life lifes_lists


Questions: Ah dude forget questions tonight. Just comment. I'll add pictures later from our weekend.

Oh yea I think I may have to go back to friend's only because of certian family members who gossip reading this.
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