Jul 10, 2006 08:32
Dan and I went and saw "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" yesterday and it was a good movie, and by good I mean entertaining. I love the way Davey Jones looks in the movie, the way his head is composed of an octopus, his beard the tentacles -freakin' awesome. The movie leaves one hanging, wanting more at the end, and while that is in a way good, it is bad if Disney tries to milk the franchise too much by going into a fourth movie without resolution in the third.
I was quite glad that I bought tickets in advance because when Dan and I arrived -about 15 minutes before the movie was to start- tickets were sold out for 4:35pm, all the way up to 6:30pm. Because we left later than I had wanted to, Dan and I ended up seated in the handicapped seating area. It wasn't a bad view but I know we would've rather sat higher up. Anyway, as we approached the screen showing at our time, we saw a huge line and thought "oh crap" but were relieved to find it was for the next showing at 5pm. We walked through the line to our screening and laughed between the two of us "suckas! Fandango for the win!" It was then that I told Dan the the policy for opening weekends for popular/highly anticipated movies was early arrival so we could get better seats. He acknowledged and we enjoyed the moview.