This is an entry dedicated to my New York hottness. His name...Jack Richard O'Brien.
I met Jack back in February, aboard the Carnival Conquest. And since then, my life has never been the same.
Jack is a talented gymnast, something I could never be. If you want proof, check out the tape. Just ask my parents, they'll know what you're talking about. Jack was also a really talented dancer, as far as I can remember.
One of our fondest memories is when I "rejected" his brother, John, aka Wimpy aka Wimpleuppagus. He knows what I'm talking about!
Jack was definately the eye candy on the ship. All the girls wanted him. I remember that got kind of annoying, to be honest.
But even still, I love Jack. I do. What can I say?
He sent me a card on my birthday, too. It was super nice of him.
Right now I'm trying to convince him to give me one of his tee shirts. We'll see how that goes.
Wanna see the super sexy Jack? Okay, here he is...
Well, no more words are left to describe Jack.
The End
Now give me a tee shirt.