Hey kiddos. How do you like my new layout? I think it's pretty sweet. Thanks to
heykiddlayouts for that one.
Anyways...today was a pretty decent day. I woke up a little after 11. It's good to be waking up before noon the last week. Go me. Well, I called back about the application I handed in cause we were told to. I talked to the lady and she was really nice. And I got an interview set up at 2:30. But it seemed that I was the only one happy about it. But now my mom is more fond of the idea, and my dad just wants me to have a job, so whatever. So then I took a shower and got ready. I left at like 1:45 and put some gas in my mom's car. Then I went to my interview. Well, the interview went really well, I think. And the lady is super nice. I mean, I think I have a good chance at the job. I hope Jessica gets it too. That would be soooo fun working together. So yeah. She's gonna call me back tomorrow evening after 5. Then I headed home and stopped at McDonalds to get a diet coke because we don't have anymore diet soda here and I've been dying without it. Then I went back home. I just bummed around here and then I had to go pick my dad up from work at about 5:15. It was my first time in forever driving his 4 Runner. And let me just say, I like the car better than the SUV. It's nice and all, but it's hard to see out the back when backing out and I don't really like the brakes. So then we came home after picking up some cigars. Now I just kinda have been relaxing around here. I don't really feel like a big exciting night. I made this really kick ass tastey wrap tonight...mmm! And my mom got me a fruit and walnut salad, but I didn't have the walnuts, just the fruit, and barely any of the yogurt. I'd never buy one. I can cut apples up myself. And she got me a Crispy Chicken Caesar salad, but I'm saving that for tomorrow. I watched Beauty and the Geek tonight. It was good. I'm glad that Shawn and Scarlett are off. I don't like Scarlett and I really like Mindi, and Richard is just really funny. So yeah.
Tomorrow I have to go down to UW Fox Valley (in Menasha...around Appleton) to register for my classes. I have to drive there by myself, which will be an interesting time. My mom is kinda freaking out since it's my first time doing that and all. It's like 12:30-4:30. Hopefully I'm out of there before then. I'm really excited to get my schedule though. Hopefully Jessica and I have some similar classes or days/hours so we can maybe ride together or meet up with eachother between classes.
I think I'm gonna get to bed early tonight. I'm kinda tired. And I have to be up at like 10. Fun.