Feb 14, 2008 00:46
1. last phone call?
my brother
2. last beverage:
3. last movie you watched?
mean girls
4. last text message?
this guy i hooked up with like 4 months ago and haven't talked to since...until today. it was weird.
5. last CD played:
i don't listen to cds anymore
6: last BUBBLE bath:
this summer probably
7: last time you cried :
8. last meal:
7:40 to be exact
SEVEN have you’s:
1. have you ever dated someone twice?:
sort of
3. have you ever kissed someone & regretted it?:
oh my yes
4. have you ever fallen in love?
5. have you ever lost someone?:
6.have you ever slept until 2pm?:
hell yeah
7. have you ever been drunk and thrown up?
3 things you did in the past 10 days that stick out in your head:
1. wrote a restaurant review about a pastry shop downtown
2. stood up for myself
3. gave in to someone i shouldn't have
list 7 people you tell pretty much anything to -
my mom
list FOUR things you want to do before you die -
live in paris
run a marathon
get a tattoo
meet dave matthews
list THREE favorite colors -
list TWO favorite alchoholic drinks -
jack&coke, mojitos
list ONE thing you will do this weekend-
This month have you…
Laughed until you cried:
Went behind your parents back?
don't need to anymore
1. Your last kiss?
sunday afternoon
2. Gay Marriage?
is cool with me
3. Lowering the drinking age?
in less than a year i won't give a shit
4. Are you Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Antisexual, or other?
5. Who are the best huggers that you know?
i don't know many bad huggers to be honest
6. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no, but i believe in feeling very connected to someone after knowing them for a short time
7. Is there something you want to tell someone?
8. What brand of shirt are you wearing?
one from american eagle, one from hollister
9. Would you kiss any of your friends?
already have a few of them...woops
10. What is your current annoyance?
my period
11. How many kids do you want to have?
2,3,4...but no more than that
12. Do you want to change your name?
no, i love it
13. Last time you saw the love of your life?
not sure i have a love of my LIFE yet, but i see people i love everyday
14. What did you do for your last birthday?
went out to dinner in the north end with my best friends
15. What time did you wake up today?
9:30 am
16. What were you doing at midnight last night?
writing a paper and
17. Name something you CANNOT wait to do
figure out what the hell i'm doing this summer
18. What is your favorite thing in your room?
my picture wall
20. Where is your best friend right now?
i have lots of 'em
21. Do you say 'i love you' to just anyone?