Jul 26, 2006 00:33
So, here's how it works:
Open your music player (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, etc).
Put it on shuffle.
Press play.
For every question type the song that's playing.
When you go to a new question press the "next" button.
Some songs fit perfectly.
My Life Soundtrack...
Opening Credits: #41 - Dave Matthews Band
Waking Up: Paranoid Android - Radiohead
Falling in Love: Baby Let Me Hold Your Hand - Ray Charles
Fight scene: Don't Dwell - 311
Breaking up: Set It Off - P.O.D.
Getting back together: The Two Of Us - NSYNC
Secret Love: Existensialism On Prom Night - Straylight Run
Life's okay: Nookie - Limp Bizkit
Mental breakdown: Hella Good - No Doubt
Driving Flashback: Priceless - Incubus
Partying: Sorry Sorry - Rooney
Happy dance: What You Waiting For - Gwen Stefani
Regretting: All My Life - Foo Fighters
Long night alone: New York State of Mind - Billy Joel
Death Scene: Grapevine - Creedence Clearwater
End Credits: Cowboy - Kid Rock
That worked out quite well. I bought pretty much everything for my dorm room, and I'm still caught up in the world of coordination and color schemes. I have a new friend who works at Bed Bath and Beyond; her name is Aubrey and we're on first name basis due to the amount of returns, gift cards, and coupons I have exchanged with her. I know the lady at Bed Bath and Beyond better than I know my roommate. Oh wait, that's right, my roommate and I haven't talked yet. She has no facebook, no myspace, and doesn't answer my e-mails. Should I be sketched out? Too late, I already am. Wish me luck?