Nov 23, 2005 08:32
To fill you in on the past couple weeks:
My Uncle died a week before his birthday so my mo mhad to go up for a couple days for the funeral while i had to stay to do daycare, work , and school,thats 5AM- midnight.......4HRS OF SLEEP A NIGHT DOES NOT MOTHER FUCKING CUT IT!!!!!!!! it was hell, everyday i had to call work and tell them that i was not able to come in til 6, they understood and were okay..but my check for that week sucked.....i had to use it all on daycare food which means i had to go to the commisary on a payday weekend, which is hell and yeah,had to skip some school bacause when i trust my brother with the kids for 6hrs he can't handle it and the kids won't listen to him, so i get up in the middel of class and race home to find total chaos in the back yard w/ 6 lil toddlers...and wheres my brother? on the computer doing "homework".....i could get in so much shit if my inspecter showed up and my moms daycare would be shut yeah...FUCKING FUN!!!!
on another note, i really miss my uncle..he was the bestest, funniest guy in the world, he took care of everyone up there & with him gone its going to be like dominos cause he held everyone together, he was the base of the bridge i guess, i'm gonna miss him...
work is good
failing school
dreaming of winning the lottery an awful lot,lol,like everyone else
im getting my 4 aditional tattoos added on as soon at Ray is feeling better from getting her wisdom teeth taken out, probably the end of next week or the week after....everytime i go out moms always reminding me to not get another tattoo until next month, and when i come home she checks the two places that theres gonna be some, back and hip....for her birthday i'm taking her to get the one on my hip done because she has always wanted one on her hip so i figure if i show her it doesn't hurt as much as dad makes it seem, she might go for it...i think its a pretty good birthday present....she just doesn't know yet,lol...what a suprise...
my parents are finally becoming more adapt at me cursing in front of them..once and i while my dad will just stare at me as if i didn't just say what he thinks i said, so i repeat myself to give myself a laugh,lol, torture, but they know that i'm grown up and there starting to understand more things about me that they used to deny, they still have there over pertectiveness but they release it once and a while, trainign the bird to fly away from the coop is what i call it, there parents, so they'll always be worried, and surprised at what i do, sometimes i suprise myself.....its nice not to have any secrets from the parentals....except for an exceptional few which few people could understand....they don't understand my dreams as much as i'd like, their still thinking about the dreams THEY want for myself but they don't understand me when i answer their question "What do you want for yourself?" i'm stuck right now in the life THEY want me to live, but don't be surprised ya'll when theres a day when no one can find me,the day when i don't come home, or show up for school or work, cause i can assure you that i'm going to just leave, and no one will know where or why....the day i hop on the plane or the train is the day that MY life begins, i won't be stuck in the technological world of present day....i have my dreams, my ambitions, and my reasons for doing the crazy things that i do and will do...i'm going to feel bad but my mind and soul are pulling me toward a corner of the world that is known and unknown, someday i'm just going to boil over with the need to go there and thats when i'll take off, and leave notes of course....and show back up months later with still no explaination and changed...maybe i'll call....either way...i want someone to come with me...depends on waht everyones doing at the time, theres very few people i would entrust with such a mission, very few who have proven themselves trustworthy and able to take on the challenges that i give....but we will see, i'm simply letting yall know just in case they think i 've been kidnapped or something...lets just say that Alicia is going to Europe on a "special mission", and will be back later, but this will probably not happen for another year or so....two if i can survive it....