Oct 13, 2006 00:32
I've been listening to his audios its just amazing... Just wanna share with everyone
Go buy his book if you want to know the secrets of the world class.
If you got off from the bed this morning and went to work when you wanted to, you are in control of money; if you get off because you have to; money is in control of you.
Even in the wealthiest nation in the world, 99% of the people are being controlled by money. The effect is lack of money, the cause is thinking. The middle class believes formal education is the key to acquire wealth, yet very few academics are wealthy… The middle class talks about other people, the world class talks about ideas. Give people operates a middle class consciousness a million dollar opportunity, and they’ll find a way to make it back to the middle class. It’s where their limited self image tells them where they belong. The difference has nothing to do with reality, its all perception in the mind of the performer…the roots it all comes down to our thoughts.
The middle class avoids risk; the world class manages the risk
The middle class lives in delusion; the world class lives in objective reality
The middle class loves to be comfortable; the world class comfortable to be uncomfortable
The middle class hungers for securities; the world class doesn’t believe securities exists
The middle class seems themselves as victim; the world class seems themselves as being responsible
The middle class is frustrated; the world class is grateful
The middle class has pipedreams; the world class has vision
The middle class is problem oriented; the world class is solution oriented
The middle class is boastful; the world class is humble
The middle class trades time for money; the world class trades ideas for money
The middle class seeks riches, the world class seeks wealth
The middle class coaches through logic, the world class coaches through emotion
The middle class believes their vision only when they see it, the world knows they will see their vision when they believe it...
...... (to be continued)