(no subject)

Jan 11, 2005 18:09

19. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? i wish
20. Whats your favorite song? none at the minute
21. What do you do to prevent anger? think about other things
22. Are you passive or aggressive? passive, maybe. Not really.
23. Who is your idol? hmmm, i will have to think about that...
24. Do you trust others? yes, maybe too much
25. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbies, hehe
26. What class in school do you think is totally useless? studies of society and environment...useless!!
27. What class is the BEST? science...fun haha I sound like a nerd
28. Do you like sappy love songs? yeah
29. Have you ever been on radio or television? yeah ..tv
30. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? yes
31. Do you like sarcasm? no, i dont. Of course i do!
32. Do you believe in God? hmm, not sure. not really.
33. Do you feel understood most of the time? yeah, but then again, there are times when i don't at all.
34. Are you afraid of anything? drowning (ironic, I was a lifesaver, and swimmer, everyone I care about leaving me.
35. What is your favorite movie? Moulin Rouge
37. What is your nickname? B
38. How much money would it take before you kissed a member of the SAME sex on the lips? $100 or more
39. What are you worried about right now? having enuf money, getting sick at work.
40. Do you ever wear overalls? nope
41. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? not really :(
42. Been so drunk you blacked out? yeah
43. Gone out in public in your pajamas? yes
44. Missed school b/c it was raining? nope
45. Set any body part on fire for amusement? no
46. Had an imaginary friend? nope
48. Cried durin a movie? yes
49. Had a crush on a teacher? no
50. Found a cartoon character attractive? no
51. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape?No
52. Planned your week based on the TV Guide? nope
53. Been on stage? yes, many a time
54. Gotten in a car accident? yeah, few small ones
55. Who's the loudest friend? hails
56. Who knows all your secrets? bre, nik
57. Who was the last person you cried with? my fiancee
In the last 24 hours have you:
58. Cried: no
59. Cut your hair: yes
60. Worn a skirt: yes
61. Been mean: yes
62. Been sarcastic: yes
63. Talked to someone you love: yes
64. Missed someone: yes
65. Fought with your parents/sister/brother: no
66. Wished upon a star: no
67. Played Truth or Dare: no
68. Watched a sunrise/sunset: no
69. Went to the beach: no
71. When's your birthday? july 6th
72. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals? nope
73. Who is the last person you talked to On-Line? nik
74. What is your favorite TV show? the oc
75. Do you have a cell? yes - MOBILE
76. What is your favorite clothing store?
77. What is the last movie you saw? ladder 49
78. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: yeah
79. Nervous Habits: playing with nails
80. Are you double jointed?: yes
81. Can you roll your tongue?: yes
82. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: no
83. Can you blow spit bubbles?: yes
84. Can you cross your eyes?:yes
85. Tattoos?: yeah
86. Piercings: yes
87. If so, where?:ears, belly
88. Which shoe goes on first? i don't really take notice
89. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: yes!
90. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? none, i have to use my card all the time, :P
91. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: Necklace, engagement ring, gold watch, silver bracelett, signet ring, gold dress ring, gold belly ring, silver earrings.
92. Favorite Piece of Clothing: my many jeans
93. Pajamas: white satin mini shorts, blue singlet top.
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