Aug 01, 2008 05:40
I spent a good portion if the day yesterday getting everything set up and put away. All the clothes are washed and folded, along with all the blankets.
We went to walmart and got a bunch of stuff. We still need a few more things but nothing that we need before the baby comes (except maybe nursing pads lol) I had a lot of intense cramping and pressure yesterday morning. I almost thought I had to go to the hospital cause I was in labor! It went away after an hour and a half so he's still in there all nice and comfy. Its getting close though... only a little over 3 weeks left til my due date (if I even go that long). I'm starting to get nervous. What am I going to do with a baby! Ahhhh!
Jake's friend is visiting from Indianna and I'm sick of her being here. I really wish she was leaving tomorrow and not Monday. Since she's been here Jake pretty much forgets about me or what he told me he would do. I end up pestering him more than normal. Just right now isn't a good time to be spending over a week with us. It would really suck if I was to go into labor while she is here. Call me selfish but I don't want her here when I have the baby and I don't want her to hold him! She just irritates me. I don't like her mannerisms. I don't like how she comes in here when she knows I'm awake and sits on the bed with me and watches what I'm watching. i don't like how towels are dirty after one use. I don't like how she calls every child a brat. I also don't like when I'm in bed, obviously in a lot of discomfort, and I hear them out there laughing and having fun. I don't know if i can handle another 3 days of her. UGH! Its probably just hormones but I want my husband back all to myself!