
Sep 13, 2011 16:48

Name & LJ: eppy, old-blueeyes
Birthdate & Age: 1/1/90, 21 years old.
Characters played in Zodion: n/a

Name: Gwen
Canon: Merlin
PB/Image: here!
Info links: official show wiki here!
Canon Point: season 2, episode 13.
Gender: female
Age: Gwen is not given an age on the series, so I’ll put her at around twenty years of age.
Birthdate/Sign: September 20th.

In canon, Gwen’s birthday is neither celebrated nor mentioned, so I chose September 20th and made her a Virgo. The traits attributed to Virgos are very much the ones that Gwen possesses. As I outline in her personality section, Gwen is a character who spends a large amount of her time serving others, and her dedication to Morgana, who she considers a dear friend in addition to employer, goes above and beyond what one would typically expect from a maid. She prefers things neat and clean, and has a strict daily routine which she adheres to, and responsibilities which she never shirks.

The thing about Gwen is that while being a very strong character, she is also one of the kindest and most sympathetic people one could hope to meet. She is honest and true, and can always be relied upon to keep her word. She reaches out to the people around her to help or comfort them, and she’s sacrificed herself to keep Morgana from harm. No other zodiac sign could exemplify her as well as Virgo could, in my opinion.

Tattoo: approximately the size of a silver dollar, and will appear on her right hipbone.
Suitability: n/a

Power: Gwen has no canon abilities, but I'd like to gift her with the healing ability.
(Earth) Healing: Mending. Earth healers are best for speeding up the healing on cuts, split skin or broken bones as they have the power to make things "grow," so to speak.

The thing about Gwen is that she’s a very quiet, self possessed woman; there is such a great amount of things going on beneath the surface that it is easy to miss them if one does not know her well or does not make the effort to look carefully. Gwen is practiced at fading into the background, at stepping back and letting dramatics play out before her while she quietly observes. Yet just because she is quiet and observant does not mean she lacks opinions or emotions. Gwen thinks and feels a great many things, she is just very selective about when she decides to air those opinions. She knows exactly when and to whom she should speak freely to; she is very aware of her station, and tries not to rise above it if she can avoid that. On the flip side, however, if asked her opinion, she will answer honestly, if politely, no matter whom she is speaking to. Gwen rarely lies, and only when the situation absolutely commands it.

In the right company, Gwen is a bit of a goofball, with an offbeat, charming sense of humor. She’s prone to finding the good in situations, in trying to fix and remedy things, to bring a little laughter or brightness to otherwise bleak situation. Her first impulses are never to complain, but always, “how can I remedy this?” Gwen seeks to help the people around her, to offer whatever aide she can. Even as a maidservant, she will often go above and beyond the callings of her station to help Morgana or Merlin or Arthur with whatever hardships they are facing. Gwen is dedicated and loyal to the people she cares for and considers friends, and always offers help when they need it, regardless of the cost or the danger.

She is extremely organized and tidy, one of the occupational hazards of being a maid all her life. She keeps her home very neat, and habitually straightens up whatever room she happens to find herself in, whether out of nervous habit, a need to keep her hands busy, or simply because she doesn’t like seeing the clutter. She’s prone to routine, one that she’s grown used to simply from working in the castle. Laundry done at this hour, lunch fetched at that hour, so on and so forth, and she dislikes to upsetting it. Gwen likes things running smoothly at all times, even if certain unavoidable events (Merlin.) tend to upset said routines. As a handmaid and castle worker, Gwen is very much aware of the responsibilities she bears. She never shirks her work either, although the life of a maid has to be both demanding and exhausting.

Gwen possesses a very kind, caring nature. She’s a genuinely good person, and that is apparent in all that she does. She is a very emphatic person, and has no problem putting herself in the position of others and considering the wants and needs of the people around her when making decisions. She instinctively offers comfort when necessary, and reaches out to those around her when they are sad or troubled.

A good word for Gwen is steady. She is often the voice of reason in hectic situations, and there has been more than one instance where she’s requested Merlin stop and think before running off half-cocked. In a castle seemingly full of hotheads, Gwen often plays the interpreter, and tries to think of what the person speaking meant to say, rather than what they actually said. Gwen can always be relied upon to step in as the voice of reason, and this is a role she is very comfortable in.

Although she is not the striking beauty that Morgana is, Gwen has her own type of charm. Her beauty has often been commented on, but in a different tone than Morgana simply because Gwen either seems unaware of her looks, or unwilling to flaunt them in any way. As I’ve stated, Gwen is a woman who prefers to stay in the background, and it unsettles her when someone remarks on how pretty she is. She is a very modest woman, and never claims anything other than the ordinary for herself. She simply strives to be clean, neat and efficient, nothing more. All else is more or less naturally done.

While she may not seem it, Gwen is simply a very strong person. It is not an obvious strength, nor a visible one, but Gwen possesses an incredible will, and has a tendency to steel herself and very quietly stand up to whatever obstacle she faces and defeat it. She has the kind of strength that can last a siege and weather a storm and she is aware of that. She has not had an easy life, and there have been many instances, such as when she was being held in Uther’s dungeons and accused of witchcraft, where it would have been easy for her to break down and shatter, but she simply didn’t. She stood up and refused to be beaten and that’s something that hasn’t changed throughout the series, and does not appear that it will anytime soon.

"Zodion" First-Person Network Entry:
[ the video opens on a shot of the ground. Gwen flips it over and over in her hands, treating the viewers to a jumbled shot of the sky, trees and ground again, with only a few glimpses of her face. ]

What a strange contraption…

[ her finger presses against the lens for a moment, then she turns it over again. At last, a shot of Gwen’s face! She’s biting her lip hard, the only outward expression of her confusion. ]

Am I meant to…to speak into it?

[ she’s speaking more to herself than anything else. After a moment’s silence, her expression steels and she clears her throat. ]

If anyone’s listening, my name is Gwen-Guinevere, of Camelot. And I’m afraid I do not know where I am or how I came to be here. If there’s anyone who…who knows how this came to pass, I would be grateful for any explanation you might be able to offer. I should like to return home quickly, before I am missed.

[ there’s a pause. She bites her lip again, then there are a few beeps as she pushes random buttons and then a crackle when she finally manages to disconnect the feed. ]

"Zodionlogs" Third-Person Prose Entry:
Gwen’s first thought was that she must be dreaming, even if her dreams were never anything like this. She hasn’t ever even seen anything like this; nothing about this chamber is familiar.

“Hello?” she says, loud enough that her voice echoed and bounced back to her, but no answer came. She was alone, for the moment.

Carefully, she got to her feet, letting her skirts fall to her feet and brush along the smooth stone floor. Her skin was prickling in apprehension. Surely this could not be anything good. Surely this must be a trap, or a kidnapping, or something that would turn ugly in a moment’s notice.

Her eyes come to rest on the altar, and that at least, she can identify. This is a decidedly magical place, she knows, but she moves closer regardless. If there are answers to be found, it will be here. At the very least, perhaps an answer to whose temple this may be, what god or goddess they were worshipping. Or rather, that’s what she tells herself, to excuse the fact that she can’t take her eyes from the altar, or that she feels…compelled to move towards it.

It seems almost a shame to disturb the smooth surface of the pool, so Gwen leaps lightly over it. Later, she thinks that if she had known what that simple action would provoke, she would have contented herself with admiring the altar from a safe distance, but at the moment there was no warning, only a sudden rush of water and a sudden, sharp pain on her hip. She cried out, pressing a hand to her hip, and it takes a moment to look up and see herself reflected from all angles, naked as the day she was born.

Horrified, she clutches at the fabric of her gown, reassuring herself that her dress hasn’t suddenly vanished. She is still clothed, so how in the world is this water showing her naked? It’s only after she drops her hand from hip that she catches sight of the mark on her hip, the strange stylized m standing out stark against her skin. She touches the spot again through layers of cloth, watching as her reflection does the same.

“This is really happening,” She says, voice strained with confusion. There is fear in her voice as well, but Gwen will not admit that she is afraid. She has stood against worse than this, and surely this too she can withstand. She pulls up her skirts to bare her hip, to run her fingers over her skin and trace the new lines of the mark herself.

And as she does this, the lights fade and the water falls away and the box on the altar falls open. Gwen looks at it apprehensively, dropping her skirts again and crossing her arms over her chest. For a few minutes, she simply closes her eyes and breathes, deep, slow breathes, until her heart stops racing.

“You can do this…”

Talking to herself in a strange temple, that is less than helpful, she reminds herself, and bites her lip hard before finally reaching into the box. Her fingers brush parchment, a letter with elegant, curving script, and a strange, alien device with a smooth, flat surface. She sighs softly, brow furrowing as she skimmed the letter.

“My intelligence?” Surely there were other intelligent people better suited to…whatever this business was. Unconsciously, she covered her hip bone with her hand. “And what kind of worship are they talking about?”

She turned the letter over, as if it would continue on the other side, but there was nothing. Of course. Nothing was ever simple. For an instant, Gwen wished Merlin were here, or Gaius. They would know what to do, or Gaius would have a book that would tell them what to do. But neither of them were here, so she would have to make do.

After a moment, Gwen folded the letter neatly into fourths, and slipped it into her pocket. As tempting as it was to linger here, where at least there was no obvious danger, she couldn’t. The only way out of her was beyond this temple, and Gwen did wish to return home.

“Here goes nothing,” she said into silent air. And then she squared her shoulders, took one last deep breath, and walked out of the temple to face whatever awaited her.

game: zodion, ooc: application

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