*randomly dances*

Oct 01, 2001 22:43

That's right everbody. It's that time of the year again when Em will frequently break into random dance in a futile attempt to remember choreography in the middle of class. In other words, we had an Innovation choreography retreat this weekend. got 2 songs almost choreographed. came up a little short on the opener that utilizes big wooden suitcase looking things. If we nail it, it'll be unstoppable. I think the show could be much fun this year. We shall see.

No central tomorrow. Yea for DM district testing. I think I'm going to go out to eat somewhere and catch up on my homework reading stuff at the same time. I'm starting to lag a bit, no good for the Em Scho. But I can do it.

Friday go to NE to visit molly, see her as Audrey and do the whole college visit thing. I hope it's nice. And I hope mom and I can navigate our way there and back. *crosses fingers*

I think I've found an accompanist for me for NATS too. Chad Whipple, molly you know him :-) Leanne talked to him today and he said he'd love to. I must needs to call him tomorrow to confirm that. It would be very nice to have that taken care of. And I want Je Ne Loi back from Mrs. White. And I need to get try-out stuff for band. And get a copy of the black & white for mr. Snyder. And read chapter 3 for psych. I can do this. *grins*

Goodnight everybody.
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