Class Nightmare

Apr 02, 2011 11:53

So I've been struggling with sleep this eek, mostly because, when Matt is sick, he's more liable to have low sugar issues, so any weird stirrings at night keep me up when I'm in watch mode. So I finally fell asleep and had such a nightmare about upcoming class. It wasn't in a lab classroom I'd ever seen before either. I was introducing the class (it was the first day) and no matter what, i could not get the students to listen to me. They were playing with equipment, logging onto the internet on the computers and generally completely blowing me off. They laughed at me every time I told them to stop something as well. I had the totally real feeling of loss of control. It was frightening for me. That is something I really wrangle with - control issues. That's where I used to get a lot of my anxiety from. I am not as anxious about it as I used to be, but it rears its ugly head from time to time.

Huh. that's probably the most striaghtforward dream I've ever had.


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