Interesting, but it's a shame they don't address the use of vids to highlight slash themes in buddy shows.
clipped from
www.npr.orgVidders Talk Back To Their Pop-Culture Muses
All Things Considered, February 25, 2009 · For decades, Americans sat in front of their televisions and watched ┠just watched ┠their favorite shows.
Those days of passivity are over. Now when we turn on the TV, we also fire up the Internet to vote for contestants on Dancing with the Stars, check out extra interviews with the cast of Survivor and read the Grey's Anatomy writers' blog â” all while chatting with other fans on message boards, of course.
But one group of fans has interacted with their favorite television shows for more than three decades. Vidders, as they're called, make unauthorized underground videos using clips from the shows. Each vid compiles dozens of clips from various episodes, all set to a song.
Coppa says their vids analyze aspects of beloved shows, often from a feminist perspective. They create character studies (like
this one inspired by Law & Order: SVU), building different stories from the ones they've been given.