Just thought I'd re-stamp, cuz I be bored. Also, I want to see if I still remind y'all of the same person.
Name: Laura
Age: 20
Horoscope: Scorpio
Location: Washington and Oregon (Wash. at home, Ore. at school)
Hobbies: Listening to music, watching movies, researching frivolous things on the internets, gossiping, eating, sleeping
Three or four positive qualities about you: Amiable, affectionate, funny
Three or four negative qualities about you: Insecure, dependent, impatient
Favorite book: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (if you can’t tell, I’m into stories about dark romantic obsession)
Favorite movie: The Big Lebowski
A quote I live by is… “It kills my brain to think of all the stupid things I’ve said, and if I could change the future, I would change the past instead.”-Oingo Boingo, “Change”
-Am I-
Good or Evil: Good. At least I always try to be good, honest I try! I can’t help it if my thoughts go a little demented at times. One thing going for me is I can’t stand seeing anyone in pain or humiliated, or undergoing an injustice. You know the person who cringes and looks away from the screen in the theater whenever the guy is spiritually de-pantsed in front of his romantic interest or child? Yeah, that’s me.
Dreamy or Realistic: Dreamy like none other. I only drift into reality when it’s absolutely called upon, and even then, I’m usually only half there. If that.
Introvert or Extrovert: VERY introverted. I’m only comfortable around those I’ve known my whole life, and even then I’m occasionally a little uneasy.
Innocent or Cynical: Innocent, I’d say. I have my cynical moments, but I’m mostly just a babe in the woods.
My favorite character is… Lucy. She’s like a fairy-tale princess gone wrong! What’s not to love? Seriously, I’m fascinated by the mystery surrounding her character.
My least favorite character is.. I really don’t have one, seeing as they all serve vital purposes and are necessary in one way or another to the plot. But if you grabbed me and yelled “CHOOOOSE!!” really loudly in my face, I guess I’d have to go with Anthony.
My favorite song is… Ooh, toughie. I love the “Kiss Me” songs (why, Tim, why?!), “Green Finch”, Anthony’s “Johanna,” “Epiphany”, "Pretty Women," and I listen to “The Barber and His Wife” section of “No Place Like London” over and over again (I’m a wee bit of a hopeless romantic). Yeah, I love all of the songs. Overall, however, I think I’ll go with the “Johanna” quartet/trio. I love the symmetry of it: the lover, father, and mother all taking part in a song about the same person they most love (well, poor Lucy doesn’t actually sing about her, but she’s there, being crazy!)
I like Sweeney Todd because… I love that for all its melodrama, tragedy, epic music, and grand guignolness, the material doesn’t take itself too seriously. There are so many tongue-and-cheek moments throughout that you can tell Sondheim was having a ball when he wrote this. Plus, he wins so many cool points for citing two of my favorite composers as his influences for the score: Bernard Herrmann and Maurice Ravel.
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