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Jul 02, 2006 02:45

alright. so we wait for the world to change in agony and angst. shhhhhh busy minds. its ME that must change. shhhh. we all just want silence. being a child again, being a baby-- pure, simple we are drawn to it. we lust for it. we yearn for it. not because it will make us wiser, but because it brings us back home. the womb. where acception is found without having to look for it. So, we are. looking for it and all the time wishing we didn't have to look. well. is it naive to say that i've found myself. and i do not feel l ike it was a shortcut or easy fix. because if we are all trying to break ourselves down to that little tiny breath of life all curled up neatly and questionlesly in a ball in the womb... than who am i to say that age and wisdom and experience can bring me to a higher enlightenment? when all along its just mom we wannt. we just want eachother. we just want freedom in that little ball of flesh we are given. so, all naivity taken in stride... i have found myself, but better yet (and here's where the magic comes in... here's where life hides) i have found you and you all and the world. and i HOPE. have FAITH, if anything, that the world and you all can find me the same way... without asking questions. ridiculous and free. and burdonless. because those burdons all start as we start to separate from that womb. those questions and walls we build up. like in the abyss of space, as children our embilicle cord is cut as we are astronauts beings cut loose from the space ship. yes, the further we get from simple womb home, the further we get from everything and anything. so i have found a path in foreverspace. and i choose to put my faith and my wishes and my love. i wish to dedicate my life to hoping that the world can walk on that everpath with me. because we chisle our lives down to a minimum individual-- alone. we chisle because thats just one way to do it. but no, i chose to broaden, not chisle. i choose to see the womb and not just the curled fetus. becuase afteral there is that embilical cord. and afterall we aren't alone in that precious lifetime. so why disconnect ourselves now? when we claim to be all the wiser. there are buddhas. and there are buddahistas. there are the raw feelers, and the artists. i have seen what i need to see in order to have faith in the world. but that faith just makes my mission ever clearer and more fantastic. i want to reach and be reached. i want to communicate. when everything is telling me to shhhhhh. forget the burdons. and shhhh forget the fear. well. i have heard silence. and hough i would wish the silence on everyone as well. beyond the silence i believe there will always be a we. and that the silence is not loneliness. yes. silence is not being alone. silence is being there with everything and knowing it and loving it without having to have words or little cosmos and worlds and day to day lives to reassure us of everything. there is silence in the womb. and in the womb i am still attatched to omniscent mother and through her all of you. shhhhhhhh. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. come walk with me?
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