jacked from manda...

Jun 02, 2003 13:49

) Name: GENO
2) Sex: YES
3) Birthday: 2-11-81
4) Hair color: BROWN
5) Eye color: BLUE
7) Song: LIL FLIP-713
8) Band/singe/dj: RICHIE HAWTIN
10) Actress: PAM GRIER
12) Clothing brand name: EXPRESS
13) Animal: DOGS
14) Day of the week: FRIDAY
15) Color: BLUE
17) Store: EXPRESS
21) Internet site: LJ
22) Ice cream flavor: BLUE BELL COOKIE DOUGH
23) Season: FALL
24) Holiday: VALENTINES
25) Flower: TULIP
26) Cartoon: SOUTH PARK
27) Hobby: RACIN
28) Flavor: BEER
29) Hot or cold: HOT
30) Sweet or sour: SWEET
32) Half-full or half-empty: HALF EMPTY
33) Soft or hard: SOFT
34) Light or dark: DARK
35) E-mail or letter: E-MAIL
36) Phone or instant message: PHONE
37) Day or night: NIGHT
38) Radio or CD: CD
39) Rain or shine: SHINE
40) Cat or dog: DOG
41) Are you Hetero-/Homo-/Bi-sexual: HETERO
42) Are you in love:YES
43) Are you in a relationship: NOPE
44) Have you gotten your first kiss: YEH
45) What form of birth control do/would you, use: THE PILL

47) Is there a difference between a crush and being in love: YES
48) Do you believe in true love: KINDA
49) Can long-distance relationships work: YES
50) Have you ever had a long-distance relationship:A FEW

52) Have you had sex in the past and regretted it: LOL, YEH
53) How long ago was your first kiss: 4TH GRADE
54) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: YUP
55) Have you ever been in love with someone so much that you've cried over them: YUP
56) Have/would you ever see(n) an "X"-rated movie: LAST NIGHT
57) Do you enjoy French-kissing: YUP
58) Would you (honestly) sacrifice your life for your beloved: PROLLY
59) What do you look for in a lover (physically):LOOOOOOOONG LEGS
60) What do you look for in a lover(mentally/emotionally): MAKES ME LAUGH
61) Have you ever dumped someone: YUP
62) Have you ever been dumped: YUP
63) Have you ever had your heart broken: YUP
64) Are you (honestly) afraid of commitment: NAH
65) Are you attracted to people with accents: NO
67) Do you drink: LIKE A FISH
68) How often do you shower: DAILY
69) Do you trust others easily: NOPE

Physical appearance
1) What do you most like about your body: MY EYES
2) And least: MY BUILD
4) Do you think you're good looking: YES
5) Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking: DAILY
6) Do you look like any celebrities: YES

1) Do you wear a watch: SOMETIMES
2) How many coats and jackets do you own: 4 OR 5
3) Favorite pants/skirt color: JEANS
4) Most expensive item of clothing: MY SHOES
5) Most treasured: DUNNO
6) What kind of shoes do you wear:VANS & KENNETH COLES
7) Describe your style in one word: DIFFERENT

Your friends
1) Do your friends 'know' you: YUP
2) What do they tend to be like: FUNNY
3) Are there traits in you that are universally liked: YES
4) How many people do you tell everything to: 3
5) How many people tell you everything: 3

1) Are you in a relationship right now: KINDA
2) Rate it on a scale : 8
4) What song reminds you of your special someone: 21 QUESTIONS
5) Have you ever loved a person so much that it hurt: YUP
6) How many people do you say 'I love you' to on a daily basis: 3, DAVID, RYAN AND VICKI
7) Have you ever cheated on your significant other: NOPE
8) If not, would you ever if given the chance with the guy/girl of your dreams: PROLLY NOT

1) Favorite band ever: LED ZEPPELIN
2) Most listened to bands: PRIMUS, ZEPPELIN, RUSH, LIL FLIP
3) Do you find any musicians good-looking: YUP
4) Can you play an instrument: DRUMS, TURNTABLES, TROMBONE, FRENCH HORN
5) Type of music most listened to: HOUSE, RAP
6) Type never listened to: NONE
7) Favorite book: DONT READ

1) What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands: I BET THEY HAVE GOOD DRUGS AND LISTEN TO GOOD HOUSE MUSIC
2) Do you detest homosexuality: NOPE
3) Do you agree or disagree with gay or lesbian couples bringing up children: I AGREE, GAY FOLKS ARE MORE CARING THAN STRAIGHT FOLKS

General Questions
1) Whom do you believe is the smartest man alive at the moment: DAVID HO....:-P

3) Do you consider yourself lucky: VERY LUCKY
4) Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide: NOT REALLY
5) Choose one word to describe how you feel all of the time: DRUNK
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