The day got better

Feb 01, 2006 23:32

I am glad the day improved. After my test I came and picked up the boys and took them back to school with me. They were having a Scholastic book fair in the SAC and Clifford and Curious George were there, so I thought the boys would enjoy it. They did. I also bought a bunch of books, some for us, some I donated to a school in Appalachia. I bought the kids an ice cream and brought them home.

My sister called we didn't get to talk for long because I had to get back to school to meet Maddie.

In swimming class today I swam 550 meters. Felt good. When I met with Maddie she helped me work on some strength training, which we did for about 35 minutes. Then we walked at a VERY brisk pace for 35 minutes. I was still raring to go afterward, but now, I am achy and sore, but very happy to be! I meet Maddie again tomorrow at 4. She has agreed to be my own personal trainer :D She is an exercise science major and a good friend, I am glad I got up the nerve to ask for her help. She is willing to work out with me at least 3 times a week, and has given me a list of the exercises to do when she can't be with me, and made me promise to walk at least 45 minutes everyday at a brisk pace. BY GOD I CAN DO THIS!!!

Found a couple of good deals at Wally World.

Fought with Tom a little, but it was all ok, we worked it out. I think it was just a bit of stress and nerves after dealing with the children (they were a bit high-strung tonight) the boys got to him (and he put them to bed) while I took the girls to Big Lots and Wal-Mart to buy spackle where the girls proceeded to piss me off, thus we screamed at each other.
It all worked out fine though, we made up, and had a good conversation because of it, and some sweetness too. :D

I am still on an exercise high. Gonna head to bed soon. I think I will sleep really well though.

kids, school, exercise, tom, maddie

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