May 20, 2004 19:21
I wish I understood my daughter better. She is Ten, almost eleven. She doesn't want to live in my house, she refuses to treat anyone in this house with any respect, she is constantly telling everyone in this house she hates them and she hates it here, she is not content having anything less than 100% attention, she fights with me at every turn, she claims I yell at her all the time. During her most recent tantrum she told me she would rather live on the street than here, she didn't want me to come to her fifth grade graduation tomorrow, and if I did come she wouldn't go. I just don't know how I am going to deal with puberty. :sigh: She already lives with my mom (for those of you who don't know). It was supposed to help her, and it doesn't seem to have at all. She is in therapy, it doesn't seem to help. I want my daughter home, but I also want her to stop causing problems for my family. She causes so much stress and grief, fighting and pain. Everyone seems to yell and fight when she's here, and when she leaves the boys hit and scream and say things that they heard her say, things none of them should be saying.
5/20/2004 07:21:00 PM