Sep 19, 2004 00:09
The Cheesecake Factory is soooooooooooooooooooo GOOD! I'm so stuffed!! Kristin and I decided to go there tonight...we wanted to go out to dinner somewhere, and the first thing we thought of was "NOT BJS!!!!!!!" Haha....omg we've been there soooooooo friggin much lately! It's crazy! Last night we were there...the night b4 last we were there.....hahaha I bet the ppl there think we are crazy!!!!!! LOL I dunno, I just love the food, the people, and the overall atmosphere. Last night Kristin and I were drinking virgin strawberry daquaries (sp?) and when we were done, these guys sitting across from us bought us pina coladas!!! randomly!! It was so weird! And one of the guys was NUTS...I mean, holy jeeze....Kristin and I just couldn't stop laughing at him cuz he was so unorthodox!! Anyways, I'm tired....I need to go to sleep cuz I have a zillion things to do tomorrow. Ugg.....and I'm still stuffed from the Cheesecake Factory...