Sep 03, 2005 18:51
So I'm thinking about college.
I've been doing some research and narrowed it down to five (for now, anyway. There's plenty of time to change my mind):
1. University of Florida
2. University of Miami
3. New York University
4. Berkeley University (California)
5. University of Michigan
I'd apply to Harvard or Yale, but we all know that neither one is ready for my overwhelming genius :] But yeah. At the moment, I'm thinking I want to major in Medicine and specialize in Psychiatry (oh noes! That means two to three more semesters of chemistry -sobs-) and maybe snag a minor in English so I can write a book on my many discoveries when I'm old. Or then there's plan B: Double major in Law and English and minor in Speech. And then there's the non realistic, dream plan: become a critic who watches movies/plays and writes about them.
But I sent in my application for Dunkin Donuts today. Yeah, I applied to Dunkin Donuts. Desperate, I know. But I'm in some serious need of my own money. The pocket change my parents call "allowance" just isn't cutting it. I hate going to the mall and finding the PERFECT outfit but can't afford all of said outfit because of my lack of funding.
Can you say, "free coolattas"?