Get your ass glued to the chair!

Apr 24, 2009 09:53

Hooray! My exams are finishing in 2 weeks time! *sulks* Trying to condition myself to accept the fact that my exam starts tomorrow. Despite that, I'm only half prepared, seriously. My 5 chapters of social psych which are supposed to be tested is only 2/5 read which means I have 3 more chapters!!!!!! *panics* My whole study break was spent going out everyday to study but we always ended up going shopping or eating or watching movies. Hai~ Sometimes I wonder if it is char or me that is the bad influence. But I guess it's the both of us. Seeing each other just makes us wanna play and not study.

So yesterday, we went wallet shopping after giving up our studies. Tis my new target for a wallet.........

It costs 295 USD. Saving up......

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