ok, so i decided that since i'm now grounded and have nothing else to do, i might as well get back into lj.
for any out there who might be reading, which i'm sure is very few, you might be bored.
so my last entry was like in december about my ex boyfriend sean. well basically, things have gone so beyond on that.
you might remember i was extremelyyy depressed about going to private school. things have gone way beyond that, also.
i'll put it all behind a cut.
so basically on christmas morning i woke up expecting to get a car. something in me just didn't want it though. i thought that if i opened a box and found car keys i might burst into tears. so when i was handed an average sized bag with alot of tissue in it i already was on the verge of crying. i opened it and found a chs sweatshirt, and my mom told me to read into it a little more. i was from then on free of holderness. it was literally like THE best day of my life, i was so happy i cried like a baby.
one night i was on the computer while my friend krissy was over, and this boy, sam, that my friend hannah liked over the summer IMed krissy. i started talking to him, and we ended up talking for a few hours. i didn't really think anything of it. the night of my friend myranda's party though, he was there. not a word was said. he IMed me when we got home and said he had been wanting to talk to me all night. from then on we talked for a whileeee every night. and when i went back to chs on january 22nd, we were pretty much together.
a few days before valentines day, sean and cassie broke up. on valentines day i broke things off with sam, just to try it with sean again. to make it worse it was also sam's birthday. i was a complete bitch. needless to say, things didn't work out with sean. they never do.
even though he didn't have to, sam took me back. we started officially dating march 12th. things were absoultely perfect. i woke up to messages on myspace from him every single morning saying how much he thought of me and how he never wanted to be without me. he left me little notes in my pockets with cute song lyrics and called me everynight. then one day things changed. he stoped all that. and he told me he lost the spark between us. i don't know what happened or what made it change, but we broke up a few days ago. he's coming over tomorrow and we can maybe work things out, i hope.
i started a new job at the convient store down the street scooping ice cream, that's fun.
a week ago today, krissy and i snuck out and got caught by the cops. long story that i don't feel like typing, but basically now i'm grounded for a month thanks to alvah and of course, sean.
i'll post some pictures later i suppose.