Feb 27, 2012 17:44
My new room mate is the epitome of passive aggressiveness. She honestly lives her life in an unfulfilling, sarcastic way- lots of the things she says she's interested in, I almost feel like she does it ironically...And then I wonder where her real joy in life comes from.
Not to say I am perfect. By all means, I am not a perfect room mate.
But I miss my old room mate. So fucking much. She was a nice counterbalance to my slight messiness, and both of our anal retentive tendencies allowed us to bond in a great way. She was also a good dynamic that balanced me and my sister out.
Our new room mate is not.
She makes me look forward to the weekends..
But she also makes me want to punch something, when really I need to nip her passive aggressive digs in the bud, and literally tell her, look, I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about what you think of my choices, I only ask you respect the space.
I hate that she doesn't try to recycle, she uses MY DISHES that I bought without washing them (when she made it a big deal that she would) AND SHE STILL HASN'T UNPACKED.
Jesus fucking Christ, it's been three weeks. Get it together.
Furthermore, if I have to hear sentences of random conversations begin with
"Can we talk about..."
"But, really, seriously."
"Can we just say..."
They are assumptive, generalizing, tedious ways of starting sentences that really continue to offend me when completed. Shut the fuck up.
So, this was me bitching about our new room mate.
I feel like I have many weeks to come.