Sep 18, 2006 08:17
Warning: Don't read if you don't want to hear detailed accounts of my sickness.
So, yesterday, I got sick, with a cold. A pretty bad cold, by all accounts... and of course, out of a two week span, Joe picks me an' des' on the ONE day I get sick. We went to Red Robin for dinner, and I had a rather largish teriaki burger. (I spoke in a russian accent. "I'd like the risky river burger, with out zeh onion straws") When I went to bed I didn't feel good, I was hot, but if I turned on my fan I was too cold. I couldn't get to sleep, i'd keep on having these strange nightmares. At about 11:40pm I threw up my burger. I went downstairs To get a small glass of water, to wash out the taste. At about 1:30am I threw up the water. At ether 2 or 3 in the morning, I threw up... whatever was left in me. In order to better focus on getting to sleep, I put on the Iona Monestary music on my PSP to loop. Shortly after I fell asleep. Getting about 4 hours of sleep.
As you all know skipping school is fairly easy for me, as I suffer little to no moral pain, so of course I didn't go today, as I am really sick.
My nose is still runny but mainly my body's just so damn sore. I feel like i've been beaten up all over, and I can't really get confortable no matter what im doing - sitting, standing, laying down, pacing... I popped a bunch of blood vessels in my face when I heaved, so I kinda look like I have freckles.
Freckle: Main Entry: 1freck·le
Pronunciation: 'fre-k&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English freken, frekel, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse freknOttr freckled
: any of the small brownish spots in the skin due to augmented melanin production that increase in number and intensity on exposure to sunlight
Well, I hope I don't puke again, and I imagine i'll be well enough to go to school tomarrow. (With a high chance of taking a No Dress on team sports...)