Mar 15, 2008 00:09
Right before I left for Spring Break the other week, I was walking to my dorm past the administration building as a large tour group of potential students and their parents walked down the street. From the dorm across the street, a guy yelled out the window at the tour group "I'm gonna fuck all your daughters!" (my dad's reaction, when I shared this story, was "Do you have to pay extra for that?")
Although Boston's been much, much better, and I wasn't ready to bolt out of there the second break hit, it's nice to be home especially since between now and August the amount of time I've been home was around two weeks. It's been busy though, and the heaps of work I have for this week has gone untouched, a sad fact not helped by my trek around South Street today with Kat, Jess and Josiah and the long lunch had at Allahambra's where the owner Mohammed gave us the greatest Chai tea ever and then beat me in Scrabble. But then again, in a Scrabble match against my mother last night, I got away with creating the word "groutbagel", so I was not tough competition by any means.
I currently love:
warm weather
black and white polka dots
Peter Sellers as Dr. Strangelove
Frida Kahlo eyebrows (not on me though)