i'm to lazy to put this in a ljcut...
rach always does these and i think they are so funny... so heres mine!
Google image search the following and post the results:
1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
2. The place you live.
awww.. its b-ville!!
3. Your favorite color.
4. The place you want to get married.
ok has if it actually came up! its in like a city with population 100 ppl. lol
5. Your first love.
...and this is andy being a perfect gentleman... (oh to be mandy moore) kharli's fav. pic lol -->
6. Your favorite fruit or vegetable.
7. Your favorite animal.
8. The last name of your favorite actor or actress.
I know that looks like tom cruise but its christian bale...
9. The name of a pet.