Title: 15 and in love
Pairing: Akame, with mentions of Yamapi/Toma and Koki/Kame.
Genre: AU, Fluff, Romance, Friendship, Angst
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 5295
Summary: Kazumi’s starts a new school with the fear of not fitting in. However she quickly befriends Tomoyo and Jinnifer, two of the prettiest girls in school. Jinnifer is also the girl Kazumi
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Comments 18
You have no idea how relieved I am to get sucha positive comment on this. I was so freaking nervous about posting this but since I had had so much fun writing it I just couldn't let it waste away somewhere on my computer.
Thank you again and again and again and again and forever more! &hearts
I hope you liked it :)
usually I dont like it but when you read this with akame, I love it♥
Thank youuuu write this^^
kazumi and jinnifer ♥ also tomo-chan and toma-kun ♥
this is really new~ i enjoy it! thanks \(^o^)/
I have no idea where the idea for this came from O_o but I am very happy that you enjoyed reading this new/strange way of writing Akame since I had fun writing it :D
I still can't really believe I wrote something like this even though I had fun doing so. Yuri/shouju ai Akame style, where did it come from? O_O
loved it
thank you so much for sharing
I'm happy that you enjoyed this rather different kind of Akame XD
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