Title: Princess
Pairing: Akame
Genre: FLUFF , humour?
Rating: PG
Summary: Jin is having a good time watching the countdown with a princess dressed in yellow and some hot chocolate.
Word count: 947
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
A/N: This idea just randomly popped into my head while I was out shopping with my friends today. I have no idea why because it happened when I was looking for a new lipstick O_o But anyway, the idea stuck with me and so I wrote it down when I got back home. It’s kind of silly maybe, but I still kind of really like it and I hope you all will do too :)
Jin smiled as he entered the living room with two cups of hot chocolate and some cookies on a tray. The princess was sitting on the floor in her yellow nightdress and with her eyes glued on the TV screen where the countdown soon would be aired. He put the tray on the table and made himself comfortable on the couch.
“Nii-chan! Nii-chan!” the princess squealed and clapped her hands in excitement when Kame and the rest of KAT-TUN appeared on the screen. Jin chuckled and reached for his cup of chocolate.
“What?” she turned around to face him with a slight frown upon her little face.
“Nothing.” Jin smiled and patted the seat next to him on the couch. “Come here and drink your hot chocolate”
She jumped up from the floor and rushed around the table to get up on the couch next to him. Jin put and arm around her small frame and patted her head before reaching for her cup. He had remembered to pour her drink into her special cup with Hello Kitty on that she always used whenever she was over. Not that she was over in his apartment that often, just a few times every year.
“Here” he smiled at her as she took the cup with both her hands.”But be careful it’s still hot”
“Thanks Jin-kun” she smiled brightly at him and he couldn’t resist the urge to ruffle her hair.
“Nii-chan! Nii-chan” she squealed a few minute later when KAT-TUN started to sing and Jin had to take a hold of her cup so that she wouldn’t spill her drink all over herself. She jumped off the couch and started to jump up and down to the music coming from the TV while trying to sing along as well as she could. Jin chuckled but couldn’t help himself from joining in on the all too familiar song.
“6, 5, 4,” They counted down along with them on the TV screen. The princess was extremely excited and couldn’t stand still. “3, 2, 1 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
“Happy New Year Jin-kun!” She shouted jumping into Jin’s lap and hugged him.
“Happy New Year Princess” he hugged her tightly back.
“Is Kazu-chan coming back now?” she then asked as she loosened her hold around Jin’s neck.
“He won’t be back yet in a while. He has to sing some more” Jin said and moved her around so that she was facing the TV again.
“He has?” she tilted her head.
“Yeah” Jin nodded and then handed over the Hello Kitty cup again.
“Oh, look there’s Hiroki-kun!” she said and then burtsted out laughing. “Look at Nii-chan!”
Jin took a hold of the cup again as she couldn’t stop laughing at how Kame was dancing behind Uchi, wiggling his hips to the music. Jin couldn’t help but grin himself but forced back the not so appropriate thoughts that appeared in his mind when he looked at Kame dancing like that.
Jin woke up to the sound of the front door to his apartment opening. He glanced at the clock on his DVD player and realized that he couldn’t have been asleep for very long. He carefully moved off the couch, and successfully managed to get off without waking the princess who had fallen asleep towards the end of the show. He made his way to front door and as he had thought, he was greeted by the sight of Kame taking of his outerwear.
“How did it go?” Kame asked when he noticed Jin.
“Good, but she fell asleep on the couch” Jin smiled glancing towards the living room.
“Doesn’t surprise me” Kame said stepping out of his boots. “You have no idea how thankful my brother is for this.”
“I can imagine, but it was no big deal really. I love spending time with her” Jin walked up closer and pulled Kame in to a hug. “She’s adorable just like her uncle.”
Kame chuckled softly against Jin’s neck, in reply. He had heard that from Jin so many times already but that didn’t stop him from repeating it. Jin grinned and then turned his head and nudged Kame with his nose to make the other face him.
“What?” Kame asked turning his head but instead he of a reply he got a kiss that started out sweet and gentle but by the passing seconds grew slightly more passionate.
Their moment was interrupted by giggles coming from the direction of the living room and they immediately broke the kiss to turn to the sound. Leaning against the doorframe with one hand covering her mouth to stifle her laughter and the other fiddling with the bottom of her nightdress was the princess.
“How long have you been standing there?” Kame asked his voice kind of firm but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes.
“I just got here. I didn’t see anything” she giggled in reply, it was obvious that she was lying to them.
“Really?” Kame raised an eyebrow at her and she nodded frenetically still not being able to hold back her giggles.
“I don’t believe you” Kame smirked. “And do you know what I do with cute little girls that lie to me?”
She let out a loud shriek in both fear and amusement and quickly turned around to run back into the living room as Kame started to move at her.
Jin couldn’t help but chuckle at the sounds of laughter coming from the both of them as they were playing chase around his apartment. He thought that this must a premonition that his next year would be filled with fun and laughter.
The end.