Sep 15, 2006 23:44
Cosima Lamberth - Against All Odds [Phil Collins]
Emma Fällman - You Make Me Feel (Like a Natural Woman) [Aretha Franklin]
Jessica Myrberg - Total Eclipse of the Heart [Bonnie Tyler]
Lisa Mårtensson - One Moment in Time [Whitney Houston]
Linda Seppänen - You Oughta Know [Alanis Morissette]
Dennis Lindberg - Now and Forever [Richard Marx]
Danny Saucedo - What's Left of Me [Nick Lachey]
John-Alexander Eriksson - I Believe I Can Fly [R. Kelly]
David Fjällborg - Fields of Gold [Eva Cassidy]
Markus Fagervall - Iris [Goo Goo Dolls]
Cissi Ramsby - Not Ready to Make Nice [Dixie chicks]
Felicia Brandström - The Voice Within [Christina Aguilera]
Natalie Kadric - I Can't Make You Love Me [Bonnie Raitt]
Sara Burnett - Forever Young [Alphaville]
Patrizia Helander - Stand By Me [Ben E. King]
Erik Segerstedt - Heaven [Bryan Adams]
Robert Hanna - Yesterday [Beatles]
Noel Filipinas - My Immortal [Evanescense]
Jonas Snäckmark - One [U2]
Johan Larsson - Hero [Enrique Iglesias]
-Ytterligare sex idoldeltagare får en chans att gå vidare till finalomgångarna. De sex är utvalda av juryn bland de tolv som inte gått vidare tidigare i veckan. Svenska folket bestämmer vilka två som går vidare på samma sätt som tidigare under kvalveckan.
-An additional six contestants get a chance to make it through to the finals. The six are selected by the judges and are among the twelve that weren't voted through earlier in the week. The Swedish people will decide which two contestants make it, using the same method as the previous nights.
-Obs! Anders Rydström, som fanns med bland de 20 som gick vidare från slutaudition, har valt att lämna tävlingen och ersätts av Erik Segerstedt.
-Note: Anders Rydström, who were among the top 20 after the final audition, has chosen to leave the competition and has been replaces by Erik Segerstedt.