What is your full name?: Morgan Linn Swedberg
Spell your first name backwards:Nagrom
Date of birth: 9.12.88
Male or Female: Female.
Astrological Sign: virgo
Nicknames: i have many
Occupation: student
Hair color: Blonde-ish
Eye color: depends on the day and my mood
Where were you born: detriot
Where do you reside now: cincy
Screen Names: xsailforeverx
What does your screen name stand for: pretty self-explanatory
Pets: none
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: 16
Piercings: ears...i want to make it a double piercing...
Tattoos: none.....yet.
Shoe size: 9ish
Right or lefty: LEFTY
Wearing: clothes
Hearing: highway to hell by acdc
Feeling: exausted and have a little bit of a cold
Eating/drinking: nothin
Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff...
Have you ever been in love?: yes
How many people have you said that to(and meant it): a few
How many people have you kissed?: only a couple
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: yes i believe i have...nonromantically of course
How many people have you dated?: several
What do you look for in a guy?: trust, funny, taller than me, nice smile, nice eyes, i'm not sure...i just know.
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: height
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for?: WIDE RANGE.
Do you have a crush right now?: well. it's more than a crush.
If so who is it?: thomas of course!
Do you believe in love at first sight?: not really
Do you remember your first love?: yes
Who is the first person you kissed?: mike
Do you believe in fate?: yes
Do you believe in soul mates?: yes
If so do you believe you'll ever find yours?: yeah i do. who knows, i might already have.
Color: blue, orange
Food: steak. and chocolate.
Song: there are WAY too many....
TV Show: Gilmore Girls
School subject: arch.
Band/singer/artist: haha...there are so many! just to name a few: gnr, poison, acdc, cooper, VELVET REVOLVER, green day, the list goes on and on...
Radio station: 97.3 New Rock and 92.5 Classic Rock
Pair of shoes: uh. dont care?
Actor: johnny depp, OF COURSE.
Actress: jen garner. or lauren graham.
Drink: doesnt matter
Holiday: dont have one. new year's maybe
Perfume/cologne: as long as it smells good
Pizza topping: doesn't matter - NO ANCHOVIES
Jello flavor: uh the red one
Card Game: spike
Video game: I don't play them...
Website: dont know. zindy zone, probably.
Computer game: dont play...
Number: 17, 26, 13...
Cereal: frosted flakes
Comedian: chappelle...lynch...
Teacher: dont know...
Salad dressing: balsamic
Thing to do on the weekend: hang out with friends
Season: summer
Sport to watch: men's lax - the only sport that keeps my attention besides track
Person to talk to online: thomas jen max...i dk...
Have You Ever..
Mooned anyone: probably...flashed more tho
Been on a diet: not really
Been to a foreign country: yes
Broken a bone: yes
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: no
Sworn at a teacher: no.. don't think so...
Got in a fight: yes
Dated a teacher: gross.
Laughed so hard you peed your pants: no
Thought about killing your enemy: no
Gone skinny dipping: not yet
Told a little white lie: yes
Told a secret you swore not to tell: dont know
Stolen anything: on accident
Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: most likely
Been on TV: yes
Been on the radio: no
Been in a mosh pit: no
Been to a concert: yes (GREEN DAY - HELL YES.)
Dated one of your best friends: yep, am now
Loved someone so much it makes you cry: yes
Deceived somebody close to you: yes
Broken the law: probably yeah
Been to a rodeo: no
Been on a talk show: no
Been on a game show: no
Been on an airplane: yes
Got to ride on a firetruck: dont know
Came close to dying: no
Cheated on a bf/gf: never have never will.
Gave someone a piggy back ride: sure
Terrorized a babysitter: most likely
Made a mud pie: yes
Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: yes
Snuck out of the house at night: thought about it
Been so drunk you don't remember your name: i still have years left to do that
Felt like you didn't belong: Many times
Felt like the 3rd wheel: Many times
Smoked: nope
Done drugs: nope
Been arrested: nope
Had your tonsils removed: Nope
Gone to camp: yes
Won a bet: yes
Written a love letter: yes
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: yes
Written a love poem: i've written a few about heartbreak...they're rather good, i think
Kissed in the rain: oh that'd be hott
Slow danced with someone you love: yes
Participated in an orgy: haha wouldn't YOU like to know
Faked an orgasm: no
Stolen a kiss: w.t.f.
Asked a friend for relationship advice: yes
Had a friend steal your crush: i dont think so
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: no
Gotten a speeding ticket: no
Done jail time: no
Had to wear a uniform to work: dont work
Won a trophy: yes
Thrown up in public: probably
Bowled a perfect game: no
Failed/got held back: yes. KINDERGARTEN.
Roasted pumpkin seeds: yes, they're gross
Taken ballet/karate lessons: no. that's why i'm so uncoordinated.
Attempted suicide: no
Cut yourself: no
Do you believe in aliens: somewhere out there...dont think they're green with big eyes tho
Name three things that are next to your computer: pictures, paper, tv
Do you have any hidden talents: oh i have many hidden talents ;-)
Do you wish MTV would play music videos: yeah - if they were good
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: action...i think that'd be the most fun
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: i dont know...candyman freaked me out...
What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: oh there are plenty. they're the best type
Do you drive: yes
What is your dream car: 78 'vette. or a porsche. or a 300Z
Do you think your good looking: eh.
Do others think you are good looking: people tell me i am
Would you ever sky dive: yes
Do you believe in Bigfoot: no
How many rooms do you have in your house: why do you care
Are you afraid of roller coasters: not really...i just dont like the big drops (god fearfest was fun...)
Do you own a pooltable: no
Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yes.
Do you like chocolate: in a VAT
Who/what is on your 2003 calendar: um. yeah. no calander.
How many U.S. states have you been to: over half
Ever wished on a shooting star: yes
Best Halloween costume you ever wore: dont know...
Do you carry any weapons on you: no
Name something you can't get enough of: love.
Do you consider yourself a trendy person: not really no
Are you an artistic person: very
Are you a realistic person?: reality bites.
Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: no
Are you a strong person: yes
Are you a strong willed person: yes
Who is the last person to e-mail you: blair
Who is the last person to IM you: thomas maybe?
Do you hate chain e-mails: yes
Are you a deep sleeper: no
Are you a good story teller: not really
What is your greatest accomplishment: i'm not sure...maybe realizing that i should make myself happy and actually doing it
Do you like to burn candles or incense: not really...last time i burned one in my room it started to smell like pot...
Do you have your own credit card: not right now...have before tho...
Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?: i'm not sure...something fun that would be for more than just me
Do you have a check book: yes
Do you like your drivers license: dont have it yet
Do you tan easily: yeah
What color is your hair naturally: blonde, but only because it bleaches really fast in the sun...i used to have dark hair
How many fillings do you have: none
Seven things in your room:
1. bed
2. stereo
3. pictures
4. too many drawings
5. clothes
6. an orange closet, bitch.
7. a laptop
Seven things to do before death:
1. go to sweden
2. have no regrets
3. go skydiving
4. make a difference in someone's life
5. love someone as much as i possibly can
6. be able to draw people so they actually look like the person i'm trying to draw
7. sleep under the stars next to a person i love
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. smile
2. funny
3. eyes
4. looks me in the eye
5. laugh
6. smart
7. athletic
Top seven things you say most:
1. fuck.
2. huh??
3. okay
4. oh shit.
5. i'm not sure....why do i say the most??
Have you/Do you:
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper? sometimes
Pray?: desperate times call for desperate measures
Been in love?: yes
Gone skinny dipping?: not yet
Had a medical emergency?: not really
Had surgery?: no
Swam in the dark: probably
Been to a Bonfire: yes
Got Drunk: no
Ran away from home?: no
Played strip poker?: not yet
gotten beaten up?: only emotionally
Beaten someone up?: only emotionally
Been on stage?: yes
Slept outdoors?: yes
Pulled an all nighter?: no - i need my beauty sleep
If yes, what is your record?: n/a
Made out with a stranger?: no
Been on radio/tv?: yes
Been in a mosh-pit?: no
Been to a party: yes
Gotten lost in the woods: eh...i dont think so...if i have, i guess it turned out okay
Been in an Undertow: ?
Smoked a Cigar: no
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: sure
Describe your first kiss?: strange.
today...was just one of those days which you just have to start laughing. one of those days when you never should have gotten out of bed...oh well. play practice tonight. ugh. i'll be SO HAPPY when this is all over.