Jun 10, 2006 12:02
Well, I just recently found out that I am going to have a job next year, tutoring some girl and guy for $15 per hour… so im happy with that, and plus I might also work this summer over at lucix again, im not entirely sure though, it may or may not happen, depending on whether or not they want me, and also if I want to work… or if I just want to chill… decisions decisions, well, yes, those are looking pretty far ahead, but im also gonna be tutoring/mentoring/whatever for that bark zone thing, I know its lame, but if it helps me get into college, its so worth it. Hmmm… what else, what else, I also am gonna be looking for some traveling baseball teams, that i might be able to join, so that colleges can actually get a look at me and such. And… im also wondering what the heck is gonna go down in Deutschland. Im worried, and at the same time, im not at all, I just want everyone to be safe, and to have as much fun as possible at the same time, if you know what i mean… eh, itll all work out I assume. I think that’s all I got for today, I don’t know if I have anything else I wanna say.. .nope, not really, just hmmmmmm…. Oh yes, im super duper excited about getting outta school, that happens in like, six days or something OMG, lol, but ya, and im going to germany in like, 10 days or something, so OMG again. Life seems to be looking up once again for the lil boy we know as me. Tschuss… for now. Ill be back, ;)