tell me more about yourself

May 04, 2005 14:04

I snatched this one from my flist so thought it coudl be fun to learn more about the peopel on my flist, some of you I dont even know the name of.

I really don't know much about a lot of you who read my journal; that could be because I don't have you friended (and I really wish I had the time to be able to friend every single person who has me friended, but if I did that I'd spend all day every day reading LJ) or because you lurk or because you're shy and don't say much. And it's perfectly okay for you to do that, but I was wondering if perhaps I could try something.

What I'd really love is for every single person who reads this post to tell me something about themselves. Just one thing. Your favourite colour, your favourite song, your favourite poem, your favourite book. How about a literary character you love? What type of movies do you enjoy, and what's the name of one movie you can watch over and over again and never get bored by? Do you have some sort of secret addiction that nobody in real life knows about? If you could travel to any city in the world free of charge, where would you go? Did something really good happen to you recently? Do you have a favourite story from childhood? Perhaps share a favourite childhood anecdote, or a memory from times past. Something that makes you unique.

I think you get the idea. You're welcome to share as much or as little as you like -- just as long as you share something. I'd just like everybody who reads this post to say hi, regardless of how you happened upon it :-)
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