Fuck boys.

Jun 22, 2010 22:37

Saw David a few weeks ago. Bottom line... He left me at a bar. He's a fucking asshole. Haven't talked to him since. My mom had a patient and she and her patient thought they should set me and his grandson up together. He asked for my number and we texted for several days, all day. We set up a date for Sunday and we talked all day and then when I kept asking about what time we were getting together he kept ignoring me. Finally, he just never responded. I'm so sick of being stood up and guys being douche bags for no apparent reason. I'm even more tired of being given the pity look. People who know me just look at me and give me this really pathetic look. I'm tired of living with my parents, I hate my job, I only have 2 friends in town, I keep gettin stood up, and I have nothing to look forward to when I come home after work. I'm just not happy. My mom decided to do something nice and do my laundry that was in the washer. Shrunk all of my brand new shirts. I am livid. My parents just think I'm being moody or something.

Oh, I decided to go to Nebraksa for nursing school. Move my stuff from FoCo to NE this weekend. But I'm not actually movng up there until August.
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