It would be a lovely Thursday...and all is good in the Life of me! Except this whole little phunk w/ my XC coach..let me tell you. That was fun. Let's see, yesterday I had to wake up at like 7 *ick* and went to the Salem mall with my family. My dad had to get some kitchen stuff, because he's so gay when it comes to cooking it's hilarious. <3 My sister needed shorts, and my Mom and I got nothing...but that's okay. I don't really need anything. Then we came home, and I went to get my paycheck from work, and Lindsey had dinner over. I also am deciding between WCWC and Gold's. If anyone has any advice, please give it. Let's see what else. I watched Breakfast Club, pretty kick-ass movie, and talked to Dave til like...ungodly hours of the night. But that's okay;).
Today I need to go to the bank, and open up my ATM account...then I need to sign up *at Gold's* I think. Then I have tennis at 6-- assuming it doesnt rain. It was SOO gross on Tuesday. I should also probably go for a run. Aside from that, I am relaxingggg...which is nice.
West Wing Quote of the Day:
Bartlet: We should organize a staff field trip to Shenandoah! I could even act as a guide! What do you think?
Josh: Good a place as any to dump your body.
Bartlet: What was that?
Josh: Did I say that out loud? <3!
Bis spaeter!;)
Pretty much.