Jul 14, 2008 21:20

for my reference more than yours.



Sima Yi - a vain, cruel, megalomaniac with more testosterone than compassion if you know what I mean and I think you do. Basically, the canon character.



Ma Dai - Ma Chao's retarded cousin. Crazy, camp and conceited {or, as moukimokyu put it "as cracked in the head as Zhang Jiao and is as gay as Zhang He and is as egoriffic as Yuan Shao"}, he holds tight the belief that everyone is in love with him. Uses very bad pick-up lines frequently and shamelessly, and flirts as easily as breathing. Has buck teeth and bushy brown hair, but has the jawline and nose of the Ma family. Also has a strange tendency towards wearing cropped tops. No one knows why. Ma Chao has stopped trying to make him wear more.

Deng Ai - {He and Hui are probably more developed than my version of Sima Yi, asdfgl} Apprentice of Sima Yi's along with Zhong Hui. The smarter of the two. Stutters, but takes singing lessons as a means of fixing this. It doesn't seem to work. Very girly-looking. TBC.

Zhong Hui - Apprentice of Sima Yi's along with Deng Ai. Better fighter of the two. Cannot sing to save his life. Has a deep scar on his jaw from when Deng Ai threw an axe at him, and he only just missed getting his face cleaved in two. TBC.



An Cafe:

Yuuki - Oh so very gay. A total pushover, he is too nice for his own good and too dumb to realise when someone's taking advantage of him. Nevertheless, once he has convinced himself of something, there is no convincing him otherwise. Very, very blonde. TBC.

Miku - Looks like a girl, acts like a 15 year old boy. Never stops talking about how many girls want to do him, how he totally loves boobies, how all those times where he's acted really really gay was just totally fanservice and so on. Also completely perverted and more than a little creepy. TBC.

Teruki - Really creepy, but in a lovable way. Usually the most mature one of the band. TBC.

Takuya - Looks like a girl, but is a man in every other way. Shy, easily embarrassed, but not a pushover. TBC. Bobot is his husband.

Kanon - Nerdy and pervy and TBC.


Show Ayanocozey - A self-centred, vain, egocentric, megalomaniac. Apart from those small faults, he is extremely dedicated to his job, is creative to no end and has boundless energy. At least, he believes so. He tends to work until he is physically incapable of doing anything more, which usually ends up with him taking a trip to the hospital. When not obsessing over work, he is obsessing over something else (eg. Hikaru). Sometimes comes across as if the bleach in his hair has soaked into his brain. TBC.

Showchikubai Shiratori (Matsu) - The silent type. Has absolutely no idea how cute (or rather, how little-girly) he looks, and attempts to look cool by growing a beard and gelling his long black hair back. Eats a lot of sweets and smokes like a chimney. Is very shy around people he likes, and is prone to overreacting if rejected. Nevertheless, around the public he tries to be as cool and awesome as possible, and succeeds in coming across as a little frightening. The craziest one on the outside, but the squishiest on the inside.

Hikaru Saotome - Show's pet. In public, he doesn't speak (except in his own special language of gobbledegook) and acts like the 4 year old he apparently has the mental age of. In private, he is almost the same. He doesn't speak much, but at least he speaks in a language understandable by most. He is very attached to Show, both figuratively and literally. You would be hard pressed to find him not clinging to the singer. He is very athletic, as one might be able to conclude from his muscles. TBC.

Yukinojoe Shiratori (Yukki) - "a sour old insane woman". Very gay. The 'princess' of the band, he is always the one to fall victim to their pranks. Show likes pouring water (and soup, noodles and whatever else he has) over the top of his bald head. Can yell at the top of his voice for hours on end without tiring. He is bitchy, spreads rumours without any reasons and has a tendency to complain about everything. TBC.

Hoshi Grandmarnier (Ranma) - Incredibly gentle and kind, but also rather lethargic. Has alcohol problems, and changes from the lovely lazy Ranma we all know to an angry beast that fights with little to no provocation. He is rather miserable and self-conscious, but sings beautifully (better than Show), is 'a whore of a good guitarist' and writes sugar-sweet songs that melt the heart. Or sicken, either way.

Hitomi Saionji - Long Tall Tommy, lover of tiny little cute things. A bit of a pervert and a bit of a player, he is nevertheless a mostly nice guy, and very fun to be around. TBC.


Ozma - (see Show) Back with a fro and more forward than ever, Ozma regularly prances around in his underpants. TBC.

Itoh "Pancho" Taizo - (see Hikaru) Now talking normally (if still very rarely) and wearing intricate cornrows, Pancho is slightly more useful here than he was in Kishidan, as he now raps. Hurrah. He has also matured a little bit, and is not as clingy around Show -er, Ozma- as he was before. TBC.

Junichi "King" Yaoh - Snarky, bitchy, petty, vain and just plain mean, King is all the things a good popstar is. He is undeniably slutty, and doesn't care if it is a guy or a girl, as long as they are paying him all the attention he needs. Despite this rather negative personality, he has a soft spot for love, and can often be seen 'aww'ing over couples cuddling in a park, or 'googoo'ing at a little baby. However, if you should catch him acting like this, he'll immediately deny everything. Get him drunk, though...

Club Royale -

Hyde Sakurajima - (see Matsu)

Teru "Psycho" Kurutsu - (see Yukki)

Takuya Ichijo - Club Royale's No. 1 host, one of King's best friends and greatest rivals. TBC

Fumihiko Makabe {aka. MC Korea} - one of King's best friends, as he performed alongside him in Binetsu Danji. He is very, very strange. TBC.

Mamoru - Flaming.

Mine Kiriga - Known to others as "Mini-King", he is as vain as he is good-looking, which is considerably so. Nevertheless, he is a fantastic dancer, not a bad singer and looks good in a black g-string. TBC.

Tsuruhiko "TSURU-G" Lee - As his name may give away, Korean. Has been living in Japan for a good few years. Good friends with Mine, despite accidentally kicking him in the face the first time they met. Probably the only person in Club Royale who takes being a host seriously.

Choleste - The fat one. Despite being "the fat one", he is very popular with the girls as well as the guys. He can be very sensitive, and can often be seen crying after a show. If he didn't eat as much as a sumo, he'd be extremely fit, as he is a good a dancer as most of the other hosts of Club Royale.


Mr. Cadbury - A slightly ditzy young noble of Anglo-French birth. 25 years old. Is as blind as a bat without his glasses, is naturally very pale (something he prides himself on) and usually carries around a silver spoon. He rarely takes his flared coat off, and it is a mystery to many as to what he wears underneath. Tried opium once, believed he was a mushroom for a week. Speaks in a refined, restrained manner with no trace of a French accent. Wears a paper party hat on top of his powdered wig.

Mr. Darling - Mr. Cadbury's manservant, bodyguard and best friend. 30 years old. Unknown background, has lived in England for 20 years. Possibly of Spanish descent, loves frills, guns, rapiers, chillies, grapes and "Girls who have very tight tops that make them overflowing". You know what he means. Wears an obscene amount of pink silk, fur and lace for a man whose physical appearance is closer to a professional body-builder than a traditional fop. Speaks with a refined accent akin to Cadbury's, although he has a tendency to drop words, leading to some confusion. Nevertheless, he is dedicated to his job.

Kitty Cadbury - 14 years old, and spoilt. Wants to marry the Prince (see below) so she can be Princess and do what she wants. Hates her wig. And the Princess.

Mlle. Coco - A lady of the night and lover of perfume. 20 years old and French. She dyes her hair regularly, and is very irritated if interrupted doing so. Murderous, actually. Her natural hair colour is mousy brown, she usually colours it a strawberry blonde. One of Mr. Darling's good friends, as she provides him with looks at her ample cleavage, and he provides her with Kitty's old, rejected or half-empty perfume bottles.

Mistress Anne - 48 years old and VERY English. Enjoys opera, hates children and really anyone under the age of 30, thinks that India is a horrible place, thinks the Prince and Princess should be sold as slaves and that the Chinese children should be sent to be cobblers.

Miss Bess - An English serving girl, 8 years old.

Fengxiao (Joe) - Chinese, 8 years old. Fengxiao proved to be too difficult for Mr. Cadbury to pronounce, so was renamed Joe. Hates wearing his coat.

the singing, dancing, acrobat - 10 years old. Apparently. She doesn't know what her name is, so Joe calls her whatever first comes to mind. It always works.

The Indian Prince - 29 years old. Likes epaulettes and marzipan. He also thinks that Western fashion is a bit strange, but wears it because his arranged wife {The Princess} likes it. He doesn't like powdering his face at all.

The Indian Princess - 26 years old. Likes the French more than the English because of their superior cooking skills. Wishes she was French, and always orders in the latest fashions from Paris.

Queenie - {not based on me or the Blackadder character, thank you.} 32 years old, English and not, actually, a queen. She is a duchess, and a very buxom one at that. Obsesses over the story of Sleeping Beauty, and has a many a dress with embroidered vines over it.

Georgie Porgie - 45 years old, English and extremely overweight, as he enjoys pies and pudding too much. Despite his name, he is very gentle and shy around women. Also a widower, as his one true love died a childbirth death. Yes, cliché. Georgie will talk for hours about her to anyone who so much as touches upon the subject.

The Councillor (Mr. Cadbury's father) - Known only as the Councillor. Who he councils is a secret, but it is obviously someone rich, as he had sent his son and daughter away to Bombay 8 years ago and has managed to keep them living in luxury. English, 71 years old.

Mumsy (Mr. Cadbury's mother) - 63 years old, French. Lived fast as a young woman and is now paying for it as her face starts to resemble a prune.

dynasty warriors, an cafe, dj ozma, cadbury darling, kishidan, characters what, references

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