the smartest bunch of smarts that ever smarted

Dec 19, 2005 14:51

Turtledove, your cracking up. .spacebar here.
I've just received word from John Goodman. He told
me that Santa told him to tell me, but only if you
gave the right password (good job by the way on
picking up that intelligence), to tell you this
secret code to try on the reindeer. Utter it into
the leader's left ear.
Turtledove, be advised the leader has no right ear.
You'll have to identify the leader. Might I suggest
cocktails to loosen their tongues?
Or 4 bottles of Night Train.
Extraction can be provided but only as a last
resort. Your cover must not be blown.
Here's the message "Versatility is one of your
outstanding traits."
Let me know what happens, and did you happen to
catch Guiding Light today?
spacebar out
Spacebar; turtledove calling spacebar. The reindeer
have been observing me scrupulously. I could not
chance sending word.
The message from Goodman has been relayed. I am lucky
to be alive. It sent them all into a triggered frenzy.
Their eyes became red and crazed bonfire dancing
ensued well into the morning. I have been made to wear
the hat of the dunce and dance like a monkey
performer. Please advise that it is my opinion that
John Goodman is not to be trusted. I repeat: John
Goodman is not to be trusted.
Where is this Guiding Light that you spoke of
spacebar? Could it show the way? The nose of Rudolph
leads astray, making the walls bleed with
turtledove out.
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