way Saget is, however, he survived and now views everything as an opportunity for a joke or a quip. He named his production company Two Angels, to honor his two sisters who died young, one of a brain aneurysm, the other of an autoimmune disease, and for one other reason, ha-ha: "So if anybody hates my work and says, 'Oh, your work sucks. Two Angels -- what the fuck is that?' I can go, 'Those are my two dead sisters, dude. Have a nice lunch.'"
And to think that lots of people once considered Saget to be the worst kind of pablum personified, the blandest of the bland. Actually those people come up to him quite often these days -- sometimes after a show during which he has killed -- and tell him how much they used to hate him and his acting and his G-rated jokes but that now they think he's awesome. Doesn't that kind of talk ruin Saget's day? Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
"I get trashed for those shows so much that I'm always on the defensive," he says. "I mean, I wrote the jokes, man. I know I shouldn't feel ashamed of what I did -- I made the world laugh -- but I took it all too seriously. I still do. I'm a bit of a drama queen. But I'm in one mode right now: Entertain the shit out of people. And if people don't like it, I just don't give a fuck anymore. I just want to cut to the chase." fo now, turtledove.
Terrible meanderings
what happened to my toes
is going on in the north with my hardfelt nose
heartfelt pose
woah ss
spacebar give me time to shoal
up these multi-toed
alien enemies
so we won't wake up afraid tomorrow
turtledove out