Jan 04, 2006 17:36
turtledove come in. this is spacebar.
I've gotten the fed's files on this strange, oddly
alluring, character in the NYC region. She
apparently was a double-agent during the cold war
working for those damned Czechs. Her notoriety is
indeed notorious. If it wasn't necessary for me to
remain "pure" to keep the mormons revved up for the
coming holy war, I'd fly up to investigate. I can
only imbibe wine and little tasteless crackers and
must abstain from even looking at a woman's feet
suggestively. These are hard times.
Puns are really an underappreciated part of being
a spy. I'll try to be more careful with them. An
accident could dampen the effectiveness of our
Thanks for reminding me of the coming
celebrations. I'm hearing constantly about how much
these americans love pie, and specifically apple
Be advised: Obtaining a whole apple pie should be
given priority one. satellite has advised that you
be given license to chill, steal, kill, and buy some
icecream on this mission. We'll be eagerly awaiting
your arrival.
Your plan to trap the beaver leader as a phantom
tree is genius. Be careful, A suggestion: rub the
entire green vial from your super-secret spy kit on
your outer bark. After a couple of bites, this
should make the beaver leader more complacent. Do
not get any of the elixir anywhere near your eyes,
mouth, or other mucous memberanes. I mean it, you
spacebar out.
Turtledove calling spacebar.
tHe Apple groVE BlEEds wheN CAts Pee aT yoUR fEet.
DoGmA VENtured OuT, catcHING yoU aND hER BEtween. hAVE
heR TORTUREd. But EAch Day adVISED THEm You AREn't
HElp, AnD EnDeD
theIR sECreT LilY ofF OuR HEAD. QUite A haRd TERm. So,
YOUtH And loVEs' ONly EnD mAY TIme aLL. hARd tRiViAL
PeRson, weEP. hARdEned.
turledove out.