(no subject)

Oct 28, 2004 19:07

[PART I] About You...
+ Name: Jameson
+ sex: male
+ Age: 16
+ Location: Ridge
+ Religion: n/a
+ Height: 5'9"
+ Shoe Size: Around an 11-12
+ Hair color: brown
+ Eye color: blue, but they change colors a lot, they were even yellowish last week
+ Fears: death
+ Good qualities about you: I don't care if you're black, purple, white, hispanic, gay, straight, whatever, as long as you dont come off as fake or as a prick or a bitch then chances are i'm not gonna have anything against you. I'm pretty athletic for a guy that doesnt normally workout, I have decent reflexes, I can be outgoing sometimes and when I am i'm pretty sure i'm funny but don't quote me on that I'm sure some people definetely disagree. Idk, that's all i've got for now.
+ Bad qualities about you: I've become an anti-social! ah. I'm lazy. I don't apply myself. I don't exactly look the greatest, i'm a little overweight, and I can be really corny at times. I also don't stick up for myself or what I think is right sometimes, and I probably should.

[PART II] Have You Ever...
+ Peed your pants? i cant remember when I did but I'm sure I did as a kid.
+ Cheated on someone? almost, buuuut not quite. but this journal got a facelift after all that went down, molto drama-o whoa boy
+ Fallen off the bed? i dont think so
+ Fallen for a relative? molto doubito guy
+ Had plastic surgery? no
+ Broke someone`s heart? probably not
+ Had your heart broken? i guess
+ Had a dream come true? nope
+ Done something you regret? oh of course
+ Cheated on a test? yeah
+ Broken a body part? not necessarily broke, but i've bruised and fractured a couple bones

[PART III] Currently
+ Wearing? How to break up with a GF t-shirt and and1 basketball shorts
+ Listening to? N.E.R.D. =-X
+ Eating? nothing, but i'm hungry
+ Feeling? alright
+ Reading? this survey?
+ Located? in my messy room
+ Chatting with? no one
+ Watching? nothing
+ Craving? foood
+ Should REALLY be doing? homework

[PART IV] Do you...
+ Brush your teeth? uh durrr
+ Like anybody? eh
+ Have any piercing? nope
+ Drive? no
+ Believe in Santa Claus? no
+ Smoke? no
+ Drink? no
+ Got a cellphone? no
+ Got a pager? no

[PART V] Friends...
+ Who is your best? *shrug*
+ Who is the loudest? Tom B. I guess
+ Who is the shyest? hm, thats a good question. I have no idea.
+ Who is the most talkative? Michelle, we dont talk much but she's never not talking at lunch
+ Who laughs the most? Jeremy
+ Who have you known the longest? hm, I think that might be Joe A. , I only knew him since like 4th grade but all my old friends arent friends anymore or they moved
+ Who have you known the shortest? not sure
+ Who do you miss the most? joe, but hes not a friend anymore?
+ Who do you turn to for personal problems? Mike Milone
+ Do you only hang out with a certain type? no
+ Do you belong to a crew? no
+ Do you hang out with the opposite sex? sure
+ Do you consider yourself POPULAR? i guess, i dont really have many close friends though
+ Do you trust your friends? eh
+ Are you a good friend? i try
+ Can you keep a secret? Yeah

[PART VI] The last person you...
+ Hugged? who knows
+ Gave props? whaat? who knows
+ Talked to on the phone? grandma?
+ Yelled at? probably someone on the football team, they joke around too much
+ Checked out? was probably playing volleyball in the gym after football practice
+ Fell in love with? no one
+ Tripped On?

+ What do you want to be when you grow up? not positive, but something that has to do with sports or computers
+ What was the worst day of your life? i remember the day amy was going to break up with me and I went to joes house and just kind of sat around and watched hockey, it wasnt that bad, but I just felt like crap, cause I had seen it coming for abou ta week ahead of time, and it sucked. But that's just the first thing off the top of my head, there's definetely been worse days
+ What is your most embarrassing story? hah probably when I shit my pants walking home from mcdonalds in 5th grade with Rob B... I don't tell that one too often though
+ What has been the best day of your life? probably when I got to go into the Houston Aeros locker room and get all the guys autographs at a practice, they're a minor league hockey team.
+ What comes first in your life? i know its kind of dick, but, me.
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
+ Turn ons? cool, easygoing chicks that I like talking too
+ Turn offs? the opposite of what I just wrote.
+ What are you most scared of? death
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? the back of my head
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? nothing, I clear my head of all thoughts, and if i cant, then I dont usually sleep.
+ Did you lose someone you really loved? can't say I have
+ How many times have you fallen deeply in love? eh, i guess maybe once, idk. i doubt it.
+ Love your family? yeah
+ Have you fought? yes
+ What are you addicted to? football, music, sleep, video games
+ Want to move? yes

[PART VIII] Favorite...
+ Movie: i dont really have a favorite
+ Song: cant pick just onee
+ Band: Mest
+ Singer: idk
+ Store: bobs, modells, whatever
+ Relative: all my uncles on my dads side are pretty cool
+ Sport: football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, whatever, i'll play nearly anything. Except lacrosse, lacrosse sucks.
+ Vacation Spot: Baltimore, Virginia
+ Ice Cream Flavor: Orange Sherbet
+ Fruit: Strawberry
+ Candy: Sweet tarts
+ Food: pizz, wendys
+ Car: dont care
+ Class: hm, Sports Marketing is pretty cool but i'm falling behind in it, History is crazy easy though so I think history gets the nod.
+ Holiday: Christmas
+ Day of the Week: Friday-Sunday
+ Color: red, blue, green, black
+ Magazine: n/a
+ Name for a Girl: dunno
+ Name for a Boy: dunno
+ Favorite spot for a date: Taco Bel- ok, so, no wonder I'm single.
+ Favorite spot for an anniversary: idk
+ Favorite resturant: does Wendy's count?
+ McDonalds: chicken nugget meal
+ Burger King: BK Sucks, bit I get the Chicken they have there and it's not that bad
+ In and Out: hmm, wtf?
+ Wendy's: Chicken Nuggets hollaa

[PART IX] Do you...
+ Like to give hugs? sure
+ Like to walk in the rain? yes
+ Prefer black or blue pens? either or
+ Dress up on Halloween? no
+ Have a job? when I have off from school yes
+ Like to travel? sometimes
+ Like someone? eh
+ Think you're attractive? sometimes
+ Want to get married? yeah, not now though
+ Have a goldfish? nope
+ Ever have the falling dream? no, but I do have dreams like it where they'll be a crash or i'll get hit or run into something and i'll wake up.
+ Have stuffed animals? yes
+ Go on vacation? not usually no.

[PART X] What do you think about...
+ Abortion: I can't tell a person what to do and not to do, the way I see it it's their decision and the baby hasn't been born yet so it's different from killing.
+ Bill Clinton: I couldn't really give two shits about Bill Clinton to tell you the truth
+ Suicide: Stupid
+ Summer: Summer would suck if we didnt have off from school, but we do, so it rocks.
+ Tattoos: I dont plan on getting any but they look cool
+ Piercing: Don't plan on getting any of them either, sometimes people get out of hand with them but there's nothing wrong with them
+ Make-up: idk..it makes girls look better, and that's fine with me?

[PART XI] This or that...
+ Pierced nose or tongue? tongue
+ Single or taken? single
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? 7th heaven
+ Sugar or salt? sugar
+ Silver or gold? silver
+ Chocolate or flowers? chocolate
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? color
+ M&M's or Skittles? M&Ms, but they make my stomach hurt, so skittles are a good alternative lol
+ Stay up late or sleep in? stay up late
+ Hot or cold? cold
+ Sun or moon? Moon
+ Left or Right? Right
+ 10 Acquaintances or one best friend? One best friend.
+ Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
+ Spring or Fall? fall
+ Give or receive? receive
+ Happy or sad? happy
+ Wonder or amazement? amazement
+ McDonald's or Burger King? mcdonalds
+ Mexican or Italian food? italian
+ Lights on or off? on
+ Candy or soda? candy
+ Pepsi or Coke? pepsi
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