I’ve been thinking a lot about one of my favorite movies lately. It’s called Surf’s Up and it’s about surfing penguins. I know it’s a kids movie, but that doesn’t stop me from loving it on several levels. First off the score by Michael Danna is utterly fantastic, second the animation is top notch, the “hand-held” cg camera effect is awesome, and lastly I just love the plot. It’s about a penguin that doesn’t fit in around his home town so he travels to a tropical island where he is accepted, meets the girl of his dreams, finds a good friend and a mentor, and spends the rest of his life doing what he loves. I want so badly to be that penguin. I want to ditch this frozen wasteland for a tropical island where all my dreams come true. If only real life was like how it is in movies. Maybe when I move in September I can go looking for my island.